
Implementation of Sign-In With Ethereum with Create-T3-Stack including Prisma, tRPC, NextAuth, Tailwind, and TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Create T3 App With Sign-In With Ethereum

An implementation of T3 Stack with Sign-In With Ethereum.



📘 Full walkthrough article on how to Combine Sign-In With Ethereum With Create-T3-App.

Combine Sign-In With Ethereum With Create-T3-App


  • NVM or Node v18.15.0

next-auth@4.21.1 Fix

With the latest version of next-auth@4.21.1 it drops the headers which doesn't allow the nonce to be read from the csrf cookie.

The solution to this can be found in this branch:


Getting Started

Follow all these steps to get up and running locally.


# FROM: ./

pnpm install; # npm install;

Environment Variable File

# FROM: ./

cp .env.example .env;

File: .env

# When adding additional environment variables, the schema in "/src/env.mjs"
# should be updated accordingly.

# Prisma
# https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/database-reference/connection-urls#env

# Next Auth
# You can generate a new secret on the command line with:
# openssl rand -base64 32
# https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/options#secret

# Next Auth Discord Provider

Database Migration

# FROM: ./

npx prisma migrate dev;

Local Development

# FROM: ./

pnpm dev; # npm run dev;

# Expected Output:
# > test-t3-app@0.1.0 dev /Users/username/path/to/t3-app-siwe
# > next dev

# ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000

Database Client (Prisma Studio)

# FROM: ./

npx prisma studio;

# Expected Output:
# Environment variables loaded from .env
# Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
# Prisma Studio is up on http://localhost:5555

built by @codingwithmanny