1) First you will want to create a database - you can do this by going to Cloudand and signing up for free access, or by using Roo by typing "roo db add (name of your db)".
Please take note of your KEY and SECRET, as you will need them later.
- You will then want to clone my repo to your machine by typing "git clone https://github.com/AndMassa/art-api-exam-nolist (optional name)" in your console, making sure it is cloned into the correct folder.
3) You will then want to navigate to the repo by typing "cd (repo name)" and install dependencies by typing "npm install".
- You will want to establish environmental variables by creating an ".env" file, making sure to include your key and secret in the COUCHDB_URL= field, as well as your port of choice in in the PORT= field. You can do this in an editor such as Atom, after opening your project folder - right click on it and select "add new file"
Example: COUCHDB_URL=https://key:secret@url
5) Afterwards you will want to load your data to your database by running the "npm run load" command in your console.
$ npm run load
$ npm start
- After a successful load, you will want to start the API by running the "npm start" command in your console.
https://localhost:4000 welcomes you to the home of the API! Here are some basic directories and commands you can run, I have included an example.
|All paintings| => |/paintings|
|Single painting| => |/paintings/:id|
|All artists| => |/artists|
|Single artist| => |/aritsts/:id|
Here are the verbs included in the API with a brief description of each.
| GET | Retrieve a painting / artist
| DELETE | Delete a painting / artist
| PUT | Update a painting / artist
| POST | Create a painting / artist
Example: In Postman, copy this into the URL and choose GET to retrieve information about the painting "Guernica" https://localhost:4000/paintings/painting_guernica
AndrewArt uses HTTP to communicate.
AndrewArt sends and receives data as JSON, except for the homepage which is HTML.
200 - Ok: Everything went according to plan.
201 - Created: You successfully created an artist or a painting.
400 - Bad Request: Potential user error, possible incorrect or missing fields.
404 - Not Found: Invalid or incorrect URL.
409 - Conflict: Doc / action already exists and cannot be changed without including ID and REV.
500 - Internal server error: Something went wrong... on the API side.