- What is it?
- is a front-end framework
- open-source
- initially released by Twitter's developers
- responsive, mobile-first apps
- is a pack for ready-to-use web elements
- image, navbar, label, progress bar, alert, etc
- lanched in August 2012
- Elements Examples
- Website Examples
- Why?
- saves 100+ hours of coding
- easy to use & start
- quick responsive prototype
- great documentation
- What's included?
- bootstrap.css
- bootstrap.js
- icon fonts (glyphicons)
- Customize
- less
- How to start
- bootstrap cdn
- playground
- Elements
- typography and links
- heading
- body copy
- emphasis (small, strong, em)
- abbreviations
- addresses
- blockquotes
- lists
- normalize
- grid system
- 12 responsive grid (4 grids x 3 columns)
- 4 sizes
- xs, sm, mm, lg
- grid example (contact form)
- row
- responsive grid
- code
- inline
- basic block
- tables
- basic
- stripped
- bordered
- hover rows
- condensed tables
- contextual classes
- responsive tables
- forms
- basic form
- inline form
- horizontal form
- supported form
- static control
- control states
- control sizing
- help text
- buttons
- options
- sizes
- disabled state
- button tags
- images
- rouded, circle, thumbnail
- responsive
- help classes
- close icon
- float left/right
- clearfix
- screen readers only
- responsive utilities
- reponsive classes
- print classes
- test cases (visible/hidden on, ..)
- Components
- reusable components
- badges, navs, labels, pagination, panels, etc
- Javascript
- Transitions
- Modal
- Tab
- Alert
- Carousel
- etc
- Bootstrap4
- sass
- row > line
- flexbox
- cards