
A Node.js script for running arbitrary JavaScript against a set of pages and comparing before and after screenshots of each page for changes.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Visual Page Diff

A Node.js script for running arbitrary JavaScript against a set of pages and comparing before and after screenshots of each page for changes. Uses Puppeteer to take screenshots of pages in a headless Chrome instance and Pixelmatch to compare screenshots.


You will need to install Node.js before continuing.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Use index.js as a starting point and edit it.
  4. Run index.js using Node: node index.js

Diffs (if any) will be generated and placed in a diffs folder. The console will show progress and indicate if any diffs were found.

Here are some usage examples:

const HTMLPageDiff = require("./lib/HTMLPageDiff");

  // Optional. If Chrome can't automatically be detected, place
  // the Chrome or Chromium executable path here.
  // executablePath: "/usr/bin/google-chrome",

  // Whether or not to also save before and after screenshots
  // in addition to the visual diff if a difference is detected
  // Default: false
  saveBeforeAfter: true,

  // Run this function to create the "after" screenshot
  functionBeforeScreenshot: () => {
    // Examples

    // Word replacement
    // document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
    //   /Stevenson/g,
    //   "Stephenson"
    // );

    // Remove stylesheets from a specific origin
    // document
    //   .querySelector(
    //     '[rel="stylesheet"][href^="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com"]'
    //   )
    //   .remove();

    // Remove stylesheet matching a URL
    // document
    //   .querySelector(
    //     '[type="text/css"][href="/masterto/themes/Theme_4_0/css/niu-styles-theme4.0.css"]'
    //   )
    // .remove();

    // Add a new external stylesheet
    // let cssStylesheet = document.createElement("link");
    // cssStylesheet.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
    // cssStylesheet.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
    // cssStylesheet.setAttribute("href", "");
    // document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(cssStylesheet);

    // Add literal styles
    let node = document.createElement("style");
    node.innerHTML = "h2, h3, h4 { color: blue }";

  // List of URLs to check
  urls: [

After running, if there are any diffs, a new diffs folder will contain images. If saveBeforeAfter is true, diffs will also contain the before and after images for each page that has a diff. In the example above, each h2, h3, and h4 is set to color: blue. Files are named based off of their original URLs.

  • financial-aid-before.png

  • financial-aid-after.png

  • financial-aid.png (diff)