
SAS Enterprise Guide automation to convert between SAS binary (sas7bdat) and CSV formats

Primary LanguageVisual BasicMIT LicenseMIT


Uses SAS Enterprise Guide automation to convert between SAS binary (sas7bdat) and CSV formats


  • Either import from CSV to SAS or export from SAS to CSV
  • Set SAS log file location
  • If a SAS log file is not explicitly noted, then the log is saved in the same directory as the executing script
  • Utilize a where clause on the SAS dataset
  • Protects against accidental replacing of files by prompting the user to replace a file if it already exists
  • Set the EG profile name and version using a configuration file
  • Check command line arguments


    /conv:      ==> conversion type - either an import or an export
    /sas:       ==> location of SAS file, requires sas7bdat extension
    /csv:       ==> location of CSV file, requires csv extension

    /log:       ==> location of log file
    /config:    ==> location of config file
                    formatted as an ini file, does not require ini extension
                    used to set the EG profile, version, and any other config options
    /where:     ==> where clause to be applied to SAS file
    /repl       ==> if argument is used, always replace output

    /help       ==> print argument options and usage


  • Minimum Required
    • Export from SAS to CSV
      • cscript convertSAStoCSV.vbs /conv:export /sas:"\\server\SAS Files\myfile.sas7bdat" /csv:"\\server\CSV Files\myfile.csv"
    • Import from CSV to SAS
      • cscript convertSAStoCSV.vbs /conv:import /sas:"\\server\SAS Files\myfile.sas7bdat" /csv:"\\server\CSV Files\myfile.csv"

  • All Options
    • Export from SAS to CSV
      • cscript convertSAStoCSV.vbs /conv:export /sas:"\\server\SAS Files\myfile.sas7bdat" /csv:"\\server\CSV Files\myfile.csv" /log:"\\server\Log Files\myfile.log" /config:"\\server\Config Files\myconfigfile" /where:"myvariable < 10" /repl
    • Import from CSV to SAS
      • cscript convertSAStoCSV.vbs /conv:import /sas:"\\server\SAS Files\myfile.sas7bdat" /csv:"\\server\CSV Files\myfile.csv" /log:"\\server\Log Files\myfile.log" /config:"\\server\Config Files\myconfigfile" /where:"myvariable < 10" /repl

Configuration File

Within the repo is a sample configuration file, .sasrc. The value needed for the [EGProfile] option can be obtained by running the script echoSASProfile.vbs.


Technical Requirements

  • The script echoSASProfile.vbs assumes Enterprise Guide version 5.1. Update accordingly if using a different version.
  • Requires matching version of cscript.exe with SAS Enterprise Guide. For 32-bit EG on 64-bit Windows, use the counterintuitive version c:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe

Script Requirements

  • When using file paths for either the /sas or /csv options, the point of reference is the server where the SAS code exectutes. Thus, the server must have access to or understand the filepaths that are used for the /sas or /csv options.
  • As a best practice, use full paths for the /sas or /csv options rather than relying on mapped drive shortcuts.

Thanks to Chris Hemedinger for his Enterprise Guide Automation writings.


Doing More with EG Automation - PDF

Doing More with EG Automation - SAS Community


Run a SAS program "like a batch job"