
(d)irectory + rec(urse) = durse

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(d)irectory + rec(urse) = durse

Recursively acquire file metatdata within a directory


Generated from clap via durse --help

(d)irectory + rec(urse) => recursively acquire file metadata within a directory

    durse.exe [OPTIONS] [PATH]

    <PATH>    Directory to begin recursive walk, begin in current directory if no value provided

    -f, --file-name <FILE_NAME>    Path to file to where metadata will be written
                                   Results written to stdout if not provided
    -h, --help                     Print help information
    -o, --out-type <OUT_TYPE>      Output file type [default: csv] [possible values: csv, ndjson]


Would like to adapt the following PowerShell one-liner.

$SearchDir = "/some/path"
$OutCSV = "results.csv"

Get-ChildItem -Path $SearchDir -Recurse -File |
Select-Object FullName, Name, Basename, Extension, DirectoryName, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, `
@{Name = 'Owner' ; Expression = { $(Get-Acl $_).Owner } }, @{Name = 'Size KB'; Expression = { $_.Length / 1KB } } |
Export-Csv -Path $OutCSV -NoTypeInformation

NOTE: The Get-Acl cmdlet only works on Windows. For details one getting file permissions on Linux or macOS, see Working with Linux Permissions in PowerShell 7.

Github Actions

Below is the rough git tag dance to delete and/or add tags to trigger Github Actions.

# delete local tag
git tag --delete v0.1.0

# delete remote tag
git push origin --delete v0.1.0

# add and commit local changes
git add .
git commit -m "commit msg"

# push local changes to remote
git push

# add local tag
git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "v0.1.0"

# push local tag to remote
git push origin --tags