
👋 Welcome

Thanks for stopping by. This project is moving the website under version control to allow more collaborators to work on the site platform. This is separate from the content of the site which is managed primarily by TKO staff. If you are interested in contributing see the Get Involved section below.

The Plan

  • ✅ Create Repository
  • ⬜ Get a dockerized and composerized version of site working locally
  • ⬜ Remove any unneeded plugins
  • ⬜ Redeploy production site with version control and dependency management
  • ⬜ Rebuild theme to move off WPBakery Page Builder
  • ⬜ Optimize site speed



  • PHP
  • Composer
  • Docker (and docker-compose)


  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Run docker build -t wordpress-with-composer . from the projects root.
  3. Run docker compose up -d from the projects root.
  4. Open web browser to localhost:8000
  5. Run docker compose down to shut down the site.

Adding plugins

  1. Use composer search to find the correct package
  2. Use composer require <package/name:#.#.#> for example composer require wpackagist-plugin/cache-control:1.4.*

Get Involved


There are many ways to help on the project including web design, documentation, bugfixes, new features and more! The best way to get involved is to head over to the issues and see if anything looks interesting. If so add a comment that you are working on the issue and create away. There is no need to be a part of the organization in order to submit a PR.

Join the Organization

Head over to our organization page to learn more about what we do. If you want to become more deeply involved reach out to