An implementation of Cal Poly's RISC-V OTTER written in PyMTL3, an open-source Python-based hardware generation, simulation, and verification framework
Download Repo:
$ git clone
Install Requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Verilator (Mac):
$ brew install verilator
Install Verilator (Ubuntu):
$ apt-get install verilator
Run test suite with pymtl:
$ make test
$ pytest tests/*
Run test suite with verilator:
$ make test-verilog
$ pytest tests/* --test-verilog
Compile PyMTL code into SystemVerilog, under translated/
$ make synthesis
$ python
When running tests/, the processor is put through Dr.Callenes' RISCV testAll_noHaz.mem program. It completes the program successfully, with identical performance to the reference pipelined otter design. While the processor is built with forwarding and stalling to alleviate data and control hazards, there were still some bugs in running testAll_Haz.mem that will be the subject of future work.
- Fix forwarding and stalling.
- Replace naive memory module with synthesizeable memory module that is capable of simulating cache misses.
- Synthesize code into SystemVerilog.
- Implement more robust testing using the Spike RISCV ISA Simulator.