
Generates a trait to help ease the access of custom repo methods

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Doctrine Repo Helper

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This package was created for developers using the doctrine/doctrine-orm-module to provide a CLI command for generating custom repository getter methods. Adds:

php public/index.php orm:generate-repository-trait

to the doctrine-orm-module cli.


Ever worked with Doctrine custom repositories and suffered through

/** @var ExampleRepository $exampleRepo */
$exampleRepo = $this->em->getRepository(Example::class);


just to get autocomplete in your IDE?

With this package you can run

php public/index.php orm:generate-repository-trait

To create a trait that will simplify working with custom repositories. Just use the trait it creates to get the magic

use CustomRepositoryAwareTrait;

public function test()
    $result = $this->getExampleRepository()->myMethod();


You can start with

composer require curtiskelsey/doctrine-repo-helper

then be sure to add


to your Zend application's list of loaded modules.


Several options are provided to allow control over the trait created and what entities it serves:

php public/index.php orm:generate-repository-trait --help

  Generate a repository helper trait

  orm:generate-repository-trait [options]

      --namespace[=NAMESPACE]  Declares the namespace
  -o, --output[=OUTPUT]        Output path [default: "/var/www"]
  -c, --className[=CLASSNAME]  Classname of the trait [default: "CustomRepositoryAwareTrait"]
      --em-getter[=EM-GETTER]  Property or method name to access the EntityManager [default: "getObjectManager()"]
  -f, --force                  Overwrite existing trait
      --filter[=FILTER]        Filter the list of entities getters are created for
  -h, --help                   Display this help message
  -q, --quiet                  Do not output any message
  -V, --version                Display this application version
      --ansi                   Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction         Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose         Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  The generate repository trait command creates a trait that will allow your development
                  environment to autocomplete custom repository methods

Custom output directory

php public/index.php orm:generate-repository-trait -o My/Special/Path

Custom trait class name and namespace

php public/index.php orm:generate-repository-trait -c SpecialName --namespace=Special\\Namespace

Custom entity manager accessor

php public/index.php orm:generate-repository-trait --em-getter=getMyEntityManager()

Overwrite existing trait file

php public/index.php orm:generate-repository-trait -f

Filter the entity repositories used within the generated trait

php public/index.php orm:generate-repository-trait --filter=Cast
# Only inserts repo getters for entities where "Cast" is found withing the FQCN string



  • git clone
  • vagrant up
  • vagrant ssh
  • php public/index.php orm:schema-tool:update -f
  • php public/index.php orm:generate-repository-trait