
Solutions for EE 5450 Module 1 Homework 1

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

EE 5450 Module 1, Homework 1

Building a FastAPI-based Web API for Multi-user, Multi-game Blackjack


In this assignment, you'll be making a Web API using asyncio and FastAPI to make a game server for Blackjack. Below is a specification of all of the paths (URLs) you should handle, along with their expected responses. I've made a class called AsyncBlackjackDB, which I used to make a global at the top of web_blackjack.py named BLACKJACK_DB. AsyncBlackjackDB simulates a game database (with some sleep calls) of which you can add, get, or delete Blackjack games. Your job is to create the handlers below that will use functions (methods) that AsyncBlackjackDB provides to provide a web-based interface to play Blackjack with!

As usual, unit tests have been provided to help guide you. You can read the docstrings in blackjack_db.py to see what you can call.

HTTP Paths and Responses


returns: {'message': 'Welcome to Blackjack!'}

Just returns a friendly message.


GET /game/create/{num_players: int}
returns: {'success': True, 'game_id': game_uuid, 'termination_password': the_password}

Asks the database object to create a new game game_id, then returns the UUID of the game in the game_id key and the password needed for termination in the termination_password key.


POST /game/{game_id}/initialize
returns: {'success': True, 'dealer_stack': dealer_stack, 'player_stacks': player_stacks}

Asks the database for the pointer to the game game_id, calls initial_deal() on the game, then returns the stacks (hands) from get_stacks() on the game.


GET /game/{game_id}/stacks
returns: {'success': True, 'dealer_stack': dealer_stack, 'player_stacks': player_stacks}

Asks the database for the pointer to the game game_id, then returns the stacks (hands) from get_stacks() on the game.


POST /game/{game_id}/player/{player_idx}/hit
returns: {'player': player_idx, 'drawn_card': str(drawn_card), 'player_stack': player's stack}

Asks the database for the pointer to the game game_id, hits for the player player_idx, then returns the result of the hit and the new stack (hand).


GET /game/{game_id}/player/{player_idx}/stack
returns: {'player': player_idx, 'player_stack': player's stack}

Returns the current stack (hand) of the player specified by player_idx in the game game_id.


POST /game/{game_id}/dealer/play
returns: {'player': 'dealer', 'player_stack': dealer's stack}

Plays the dealer (call dealer_draw() on the game until the dealer can stop), then return the dealer's hand.


GET /game/{game_id}/winners
returns: {'game_id': game_id, 'winners': winner_list}

Computes the winners of game game_id using compute_winners(), then returns the winners.


POST /game/{game_id}/terminate?password=...
returns: {'success': True, 'deleted_id': game_id}

Terminates the game game_id and authorizes the termination with the password provided as password query key.