
MQTT Sensor Streamer

Primary LanguageCMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

ee5450-module2-hw1: MQTT streaming of sensors

Project file structure

File name Purpose
Core/Inc/main.h System data structures
Core/Src/main.c Thread setup and entry functions
Core/Inc/sensor_telemetry_setup.h Constants for MQTT telemetry setup
Core/Src/sensor_telemetry_setup.c Functions to setup NetX Duo and MQTT client for sensor telemetry
Core/Inc/sensor_telemetry.h Declarations for sensor telemetry functions (MQTT message publishing)
Core/Inc/sensor_telemetry.h Definitions for sensor telemetry functions (MQTT message publishing)
mosquitto.conf Mosquitto configuration file (run mosquitto.exe with -c switch)

System data structures

main.h: struct global_data_t: Global data structure

You'll notice upon opening main.c that a significant reformatting has occurred. There are only three global variables now, but in place of the previous global variables, there is a new struct type named global_data_t. This data structure replaces our global data to allow us to use test harnesses in the future. Rather than having the test harness attempt to modify globals, the test harness can generate dummy struct global_data_t objects instead.

This data structure contains members to ensure the operation of the system successfully, including the ThreadX primitives and structures, NetX primitives and structures, and the thread input parameters. This also allows for threads and functions that require multiple inputs to be used with the ThreadX tx_thread_create() interface, which only accepts one ULONG input (which will be the pointer to the global data structure).

Note the one caveat, that this type definition is available globally in main.c, but the actual pointer is only allocated inside tx_application_define to take advantage of ThreadX's byte allocation feature.

main.c: extern TX_EVENT_FLAGS_GROUP global_event_flags: system-wide software interrupts

This global event flag group is to provide system-wide software interrupts. The event #defines are public in main.h and begin with EVT_.

Task to complete this assignment

Your tasks are to modify main.c, sensor_telemetry.h, and sensor_telemetry.c accordingly to achieve the following aim. Two examples have been provided, as shown in the table.

System aim (purpose)

Aim: Use the sensors available on your B-L4S5I-IOT01A board and MQTT to stream the following sensor data at roughly 1Hz:

sensor type Sensor uC Conn. MQTT topic Example?
temperature HTS221 I2C2 board_test/temperature Yes
acceleration (x, y, z) LSM6DSL I2C2 board_test/accelerometer Yes
relative humidity HTS221 I2C2 board_test/humidity No
angular velocity (x, y, z) LSM6DSL I2C2 board_test/gyroscope No
magnetic direction LIS3MDL I2C2 board_test/magnetometer No
air pressure LPS22HB I2C2 board_test/air_pressure No


  1. Begin by modifying the sensor_telemetry_setup.h #defines for your own networking setup. If you need to find your own IP address, run ipconfig /all in PowerShell or the Command Prompt. Note that you may need to check this every time you turn your computer on/off unless you have a reserved IP at your router end.

  2. Install MQTT Explorer so you can more easily view the sensor data that is streamed.

  3. Run mosquitto on your computer, using the mosquitto.conf configuration that allows for unauthenticated access.

  4. Compile and use the debug button (bug-looking icon) to run the system as-is on your board. There is a breakpoint setup right after setup_wifi() since this part always takes a while. Make sure to hit "continue" to go to the rest of the program.

    Make sure that you receive the "hellos" and the accelerometer and temperature data before continuing.

  5. Add the necessary threads and string formatting functions to successfully accomplish the system's aim.