
Homework for computer vision introduction

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

EE 5450 Module 3 Homework 0

In this homework, you will practice using the OpenCV image processing tools to find a Pokemon (either a Psyduck or a Pikachu). You'll notice two Python files: segmenter.py and test_segmenter.py. The former contains the class definitions and the latter contains sample tests. There are four supplied test images in the samples/ directory, of which are all used for testing. Note that you would normally have a training and testing data set, but we are just practicing the image processing tools here and will explore machine learning over the next lessons and assignment.

To get started:

  1. I have used an interface-based design for this particular assignment. SegmenterInterface is a class that requires its derived classes (meaning class that implement the interface) to implement its methods. The gist of each method is written as docstrings. Because the base interface has docstrings, you can just copy/paste the docstrings over to your implementations of those functions.

  2. Implement the PikachuSegmenter class first. This is simpler because the test images contains only one Pikachu. I recommend to tmplement the functions in order (feel free to implement any helper functions needed):

    a. enhance_image() to perform CLAHE on the each channel.

    b. threshold_enhanced_image() to get a noisy thresholded image of the object(s) you are looking for.

    c. clean_thresholded_image() to clean up your noisy thresholded image

    d. get_combined_thresholded_image() to reduce the four-channel binary image to a single binary image

    e. get_bounding_boxes() to call all of these functions and spit out the bounding boxes (list of tuple of: x_left, y_top, width, height) that contain the object desired.

  3. Once you have the PikachuSegmenter working, try your hand at the PsyduckSegmenter.

Fair Use Notice

Please don't sue me, Pokemon Company International! I think this is considered fair use since it's for educational teaching purposes.