
A group project for University of Leeds' "User Interfaces" module, this application acts as a simple media player written in Qt.

Primary LanguageC++

Tomeo (comp2811-cwk3)

Tomeo is a video player prototype for sports enthuasiasts. This repository hosts all four iterations for our comp2811 group project (coursework 3).

Group Members
18 sc19ab, ed18a2n, sc19d2c, sc19tgc, sc19aa, sc18ys

See the branches for each iteration (named it-1, it-2, etc.)

Setup instructions

This README contains instructions for UNIX, specifically ArchLinux. If you're using a different distribution you will need to find the equivalent packages.

pacman -Syyu qt5-base
# gst-plugins-* fixes 'No decoder installed for quicktime' error
pacman -Syyu gstreamer gst-libav gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly

Now download the videos.zip file from https://leeds365-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/scstke_leeds_ac_uk/EcGntcL-K3JOiaZF4T_uaA4BHn6USbq2E55kF_BTfdpPag?e=n1quN and extract it into videos in the root of this project.

Build & execute instructions

# Execute on initial build
mkdir build && cd build
qmake ..
# Execute each build
make -B

Note that there is also a test.sh script to make rapid testing more convenient. This will fully build the entire project & run it, giving the videos directory in the root of this project as an argument.