
Moved to Codeberg: https://codeberg.org/cuschk/somafm

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Play & record SomaFM radio channels



With yarn:

$ yarn global add somafm

or with npm:

$ npm install --global somafm

Playing a channel requires mpv on your system. Please make sure you have it installed and the mpv command can be run within your shell.

To record a channel, you need Streamripper and its executable streamripper.

On Linux, the xclip package is needed to enable copying the current song title to the clipboard.



$ somafm

Interactive mode. Choose a channel to play from the list.

$ somafm list [<keywords>]

Show a list of all SomaFM channels. You can filter by one or more keywords.

$ somafm play <channel> | random

Play a channel. To specify a channel, use the ID from the channel list (lower-case, no spaces), e.g. beatblender. Use random to play any channel.

$ somafm info <channel>

Get channel information.

$ somafm record <channel>

Record a channel. Tracks are saved into a directory containing channel name, date and time, e.g. SomaFM Groove Salad/20171011_213324. It is automatically created in the current working directory.

$ somafm list-favourites [<keywords>]

List your favourite songs. You can filter by one or more keywords in song title and channel name.

$ somafm edit-favourites

Edit your favourites songs file.

Command aliases

All commands have short aliases for faster typing.

Command Alias
list ls
play p
info i
record r
list-favourites lf
edit-favourites ef



Show desktop notifications.

Keyboard shortcuts

While playing, the following keyboard shortcuts are available:

Description Key
Copy current song title to clipboard c
Add current song to favourites + or f
Remove current song from favourites - or u
Enable desktop notifications n
Disable/mute desktop notifications m
Stop playback & quit application q or esc