This component allows you to pull in the energy prices into Home-Assistant.
- 2
Today’s electricity prices do not match the prices in Nord Pool’s price list.
#471 opened by Bastiaan12 - 2
- 1
- 7
- 3
- 3
00:00-01:00 timestamp is missing
#464 opened by anton4 - 1
- 10
Q: Additional Cost based on date... again
#457 opened by boelle - 5
additional_costs: is not added to the price
#461 opened by Bach-Danielsson - 10
Home-assistant official nordpool integration
#451 opened by prilly-dev - 4
Nordpool stopped working
#453 opened by SebastianTheCat - 3
ValueError: month must be in 1..12
#456 opened by f22raptorroland - 1
hourly prices in attributes to include all extra cost
#454 opened by nelgi - 2
Error when upgrading HA Integration through HACS: A new release of pip is available.
#455 opened by slittorin - 0
Attributes for Tomorrows off peak 1&2 etc
#452 opened by nibbles- - 5
- 4
- 4
missing example APEX chart
#396 opened by typxxi - 24
- 9
Changes in VAT create new device and entity for Belgian, Finish and Estonian users
#415 opened by rrooggiieerr - 5
- 11
- 1
- 0
tz.gettz() causes a blocking call in HA event loop
#406 opened by magicus - 18
Setup failed after update til HAOS 2024.11.0
#443 opened by Bredum - 3
Integration not loading in HA 2024.11.0
#444 opened by jacobwod - 2
- 0
Beta issue for 2024.11.0b0 : Unable to import component: cannot import name 'Config' from 'homeassistant.core' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/
#432 opened by mhoogenbosch - 2
Issue with await lookup timezone
#437 opened by wittich - 2
VAT is calculated twice
#436 opened by veista - 1
Error during setup of component nordpool
#435 opened by Freezydk - 7
Price tomorrow sorted by size
#430 opened by Fettkeewl - 7
Sensor doesn't update on new day
#429 opened by roccolord - 2
If the price is 0 at boot nordpool seems to get disabled due to division by zero
#428 opened by bengtj - 4
async_forward_entry_setup is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2025.6
#405 opened by TheGroundZero - 9
"Unable to prepare setup for platform nordpool.sensor after updating to 0.15.
#426 opened by niklaswik86 - 17
Integrations broken after v0.15
#423 opened by rinowit - 3
Unable to setup 0.15
#425 opened by bengtner - 7
Integration broken with HA Core 2024.10.x
#411 opened by jvuotila - 13
- 31
entity is no longer provided by the integration - unavailable since 4 pm october 14th
#417 opened by typxxi - 0
Adding negative additional costs
#419 opened by mrVoltrix - 30
Prices not loading
#412 opened by developerfromjokela - 23
- 2
Detecting a blocking call
#398 opened by marinus61 - 0
0.0.15b1 not showing tomorrows prices
#403 opened by MusicmanP3 - 1
Detected blocking calls
#393 opened by siljelb - 0
- 1
Nordpool takes over 10 seconds to start
#399 opened by valexi7 - 3
Integration errors blocking system reboots
#392 opened by andiukas