
Dispatcher for elastic jobs on Dataflow Engines.

Primary LanguageC++


A cloud for heterogeneous architectures:

  1. Executor - uses performance data to determine a Resource to run an implementaiton on., src/executor
  2. Scheduler - a job scheduler, src/scheduler
  3. Dispatcher - a job executor, src/dispatcher
  4. The client API - available in src/client/.

The startup action sequence is:

  1. start dispatcher (./build/dispatcher <dispPort>)
  2. start scheduler (./build/scheduler <schedPort> <dispPort>)
  3. start executor (./build/executor -c <client_id> -p <schedPort> -n <schedHostname>)
  4. run a client application (which submits jobs to the executor service, e.g. ./build/MovingAverageOneDfe)

Note For client applications the environmental variable CLIENT_ID must match that of the paramater passed into the executor service with the -c flag so the startup command for a client application becomes:

CLIENT_ID=${YOUR_ID_HERE} ./build/MOvingAverageOneDfe

If the variable is set on the machine the executor is running on, the executor will ignore the -c flag.

Note To enable DFE implementations, the dispatcher must be started on a machine with DFEs and Hardware MaxelerOS installed. The hardware MaxelerOS library must be preloaded, so the startup command for the dispatcher becomes:

LD_PRELOAD=/opt/maxeler/maxeleros/lib/libmaxeleros.so ./dispatcher 8111


Run cmake, which will create a Makefile:

mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..

Then use makefile targets:

make test

Note You will want to start the servers locally before running ```make test``.


A bitstream (.max) is a compiled dataflow design which can run on DFEs. We store bitstreams in a separate submodule, to avoid cluttering up the main repository.

If you intend to run DFE designs you should get the bitstream submodule with

git submodule init && git submodule update

The resulting directory should look like this:


DfeLib.hpp is a convenience header with all the functions exposed by the various maxfiles.

Each bitstream exposes a set of functions for the Dispatcher to call when running on a machine with access to DFEs.

NOTE Compiling the CPU code for bitstreams requires the MaxelerOS library and headers.

Sample Program

From the user perspective, a sample program will look like:

#include <client_api.hpp>

int main() {
  int data[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
  movingAverage(4, data);

This requests a moving average task to be performed. The sequence of actions would then be:

  1. client API (on behalf of user program) creates a client to connect to the executor
  2. client API sends job description and data to the executor.
  3. Executor determines an efficent resource to run the job on using a heuristic.
  4. Executor sends the job description to the scheduler.
  5. scheduler sends job description to the dispatcher
  6. dispatcher executes job and sends result to scheduler
  7. scheduler sends result to the executor
  8. executor sends result to the client
  9. client closes executor connection