- 6
EXC_BAD_ACCESS ModalViewManager.swift:63
#272 opened by fossage - 1
4.0.2 breaks EAS build
#353 opened by giaset - 3
Unable to adjust foreground notification behavior on iOS with `expo-notifications`
#334 opened by tomrom-pomelo - 3
Crash on React Native 0.76.1
#351 opened by dickfickling - 13
No such module 'CioMessagingPushAPN'
#335 opened by airowe - 3
Anonymous tracking
#333 opened by jbtheard - 2
package undefined does not exist import undefined.CustomerIOReactNativePackage;
#323 opened by Birat77 - 6
No such module 'CioMessagingPushAPN'
#291 opened by TheGipsyDanger - 3
Expo + CIO + Push notifications Intercom
#332 opened by TwistedMinda - 1
Android icon for push notification
#321 opened by thozh - 1
React Native New architecture support
#304 opened by fobos531 - 7
- 5
- 3
In-app messages not working on iOS
#276 opened by Vepsur - 8
- 2
Error run android with customer 3.7.0
#269 opened by edersonfaccin - 3
Working with Intercom and CIO on Expo
#271 opened by beqramo - 2
- 11
Proguard enabled in Android Expo project causes customerio to fail with error "HTTP request failed. Error: java.lang.Class cannot be cast to java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType"
#251 opened by kimdanielarthur-cowlabs - 7
- 5
Receiving Apple privacy manifest warning on NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults
#261 opened by miguelespinoza - 2
- 8
Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) and 2 duplicate symbols Error
#252 opened by teefortayyab - 16
Error pod install
#263 opened by danielamorimp - 7
Android ApplicationNotResponding - addTask in io.customer.sdk.queue.QueueImpl
#266 opened by florin-bc - 3
No such module 'ExpoModulesCore'. Trying to Configure NotificationServiceExtension with Two targets i.e. Production and Development
#264 opened by teefortayyab - 6
The operation couldn’t be completed. No APNS token specified before fetching FCM Token
#267 opened by huyvvbka - 5
Tried to get queue task with storage id but storage couldn't find it. - error log spam
#231 opened by dannyhw - 8
New Apple Store changes
#248 opened by beqramo - 3
Linking.getInitialURL returns null when deep linking on cold start (iOS - customerio-reactnative 3.4.0)
#243 opened by miguelespinoza - 4
Swift version is missing in Podspec
#249 opened by zubko - 8
Unable to listen to notification taps with expo-notifications after upgrade to customerio-reactnative 3.4.0
#239 opened by miguelespinoza - 1
- 1
[Android below 13] CustomerIO.getPushPermissionStatus() returns always granted
#235 opened by fmedinaUtoppia - 3
add messageRecieved Event Listener in-app messages
#234 opened by luihugo - 1
Cannot to track anonymous event
#233 opened by maksim-romanov - 1
Support provisional permissions for push notifications
#232 opened by yoeun - 8
Are there some example using Rich Push Notification using FCM with expo?
#222 opened by edersonfaccin - 7
JSON Rich Push vs Custom Payload
#229 opened by TwistedMinda - 5
- 2
Upgrade to 3.3.2 with expo 49
#224 opened by enisze - 1
CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "customerio-reactnative/apn"
#227 opened by darnfish - 6
Device changes to previous "cio_sdk_version"
#221 opened by TwistedMinda - 1
Android Device is not identified
#223 opened by Bob-MYMC - 6
Receive push notification with images
#209 opened by edersonfaccin - 4
Cannot load module 'CioInternalCommon' built with SDK 'iphonesimulator16.4' when using SDK 'iphonesimulator17.0'
#218 opened by dannyhw - 1
Docs unclear on setup for RN 0.72.6
#211 opened by billyjacoby - 4
- 2
Can we send iOS provisional notifications ?
#199 opened by jbtheard - 8
CustomerIO and Intercom push notifications
#192 opened by SYoder1