Code for the paper "DIRECT : A Transformer-based Model for Decompiled Variable Name Recovery"

This code is adapted from DIRE.

Setting up the data and packages

  1. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required packages.

  2. Download the preprocessed data along with training-test splits from this link, and put them in data/preprocessed_data.

  3. Create a symbolic link in the src folder by running ln -s data ./src/data.


To pretrain the BERT encoder and decoder from scratch, run

python [-decoder]


To train the DIRECT model from scratch, first pretrain the BERT encoder and decoder. Then run

python -train


To evaluate a trained DIRECT model, assuming it is saved at src/saved_checkpoints/direct.pth, run

python -restore -name direct [-val] [-top_k 1] [-approx] [-conf_piece] [-short_only]

Running the above evaluation dumps the predictions to src/predictions/<fname>.pkl. To evaluate these predictions with other metrics like Top-5 accuracy, Jaccard distance and Character Error Rate, run

python -fname <fname>.pkl


Model Accuracy(%) Top-5 Accuracy (%) CER Jaccard Dist
DIRE 35.8 41.5 .664 .537
DIRECT 42.8 49.3 .663 .501
Improvement 20% 19% .2% 6.5%