
OR-NeRF: Object Removing from 3D Scenes Guided by Multiview Segmentation with Neural Radiance Fields

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OR-NeRF: Object Removing from 3D Scenes Guided by Multiview Segmentation with Neural Radiance Fields

Project Page | Paper | Supplementary Materials

Pytorch Implementation of OR-NeRF. OR-NeRF removes objects from 3D scenes with points or text prompts on only one image. To realise, OR-NeRF first uses SAM to predict multiview masks and LaMa to inpaint the unwanted region. Then, scene with objects deleted can be reconstructed from inpainting priors with Neural Radiance Fields.

Original Removal

Start up


Conda is recommended.

git clone git@github.com:cuteyyt/or-nerf.git
cd or-nerf

conda create -n ornerf python=3.9
conda activate ornerf

pip install -r requirements.txt

Code has been tested on CUDA version 11 or higher with RTX3090 or A5000. Torch versions that are compatible with your CUDA version should work. You may download checkpoints for running SAM, Grounding-DINO and LaMa by following their instructions.


We run our methods on 20 scenes from the following datasets:

  1. IBRNet data: We use 8 scenes from this dataset: qq3, qq6, qq10, qq11 and qq13 from ibrnet_collected\ibrnet_collected_1, and qq16, qq17 and qq21 from ibrnet_collected/ibrnet_collected_2.
  2. SPIn-NeRF data: We use all scenes from spinnerf-dataset for multiview segmentation and 8 scenes (excluding 1 and 9) for scene object removal. Note their statue scene is actually qq11 in IBRNet data.
  3. NeRF LLFF data: We use 3 scenes from this dataset: room, horns, fortress from nerf_llff_data.
  4. LLFF Real data: We use only one scene from this dataset: data5_piano from real_iconic.

File Structure

Our file structure is: (You can change it as you wish)

├── assets
├── ckpts                       # checkpoints for pre-trained models
├── comparison                  # Code for scene object removal
├── configs                     # Configurations
├── data                        # Data folder, our code will create several '_suffix' for different usage
│ ├── spinnerf_dataset          # Original download data
│ ├── spinnerf_dataset_depth    # Containing inpainted rgb and depth for loss add-ons
│ ├── spinnerf_dataset_sam      # Containing inpainted rgb only for training NeRF directly
│ ├── spinnerf_dataset_sam_text # Text prompt sam, while no '_text' is gen from points
│ ├── spinnerf_dataset_sparse   # For training NeRF without removal directly
│ ├── spinnerf_dataset_spinnerf # For training SPIn-NeRF pipeline
│ └── test                      # For quantitative test, file structure under this is the same as 'data'
├── datasets                    # Code for process data
├── logs                        # Logs folder
│ ├── nerf                      # Logs for Ours-NeRF
│ │ ├── dir                     # Reconstruct removal scenes from inpainted priors directly
│ │ ├── da                      # Train with all depth supervision
│ │ ├── dp                      # Train with partial depth supervision
│ │ └── lpips                   # Train with perceptual loss and all depth supervision
│ ├── spinnerf                  # Logs for SPIn-NeRF, sub-folders are similar to NeRF
│ └── tensorf                   # logs for Ours-TensoRF, sub-folders are similar to NeRF
├── prior                       # Code for running pre-trained models like SAM
└── scripts                     # Scripts for running experiments


Note: You can refer to scripts folder for running all experiment settings mentioned in the paper.

Scene Object Removal

Note: This part is for run NeRF and TensoRF architecture.

# Step 1. Prepare a 'sparse' folder for training NeRF without deletion
# sh scripts/data/gen_sparse.sh [dataset_name] [scene_name] [in_dir] [out_dir]
# Refer to datasets/pre_sparse.py, prior/LLFF for more info
sh scripts/data/gen_sparse.sh spinnerf_dataset 2 data data

# If using text prompt, first convert this prompt to points prompt ---> 'sam_text'
# sh scripts/data/gen_mask_sam_text.sh [dataset_name] [scene_name] [in_dir] [out_dir]
# Refer to datasets/run_sam_text.py, prior/Grounded-Segment-Anything for more info
sh scripts/data/gen_mask_sam_text.sh spinnerf_dataset 2 data data

# Step 2. Prepare a 'sam' folder containing multiview masks from points prompt
# sh scripts/data/gen_mask_sam_points.sh [dataset_name] [scene_name] [in_dir] [out_dir]
# Refer to datasets/run_sam_points.py, prior/segment-anything for more info
sh scripts/data/gen_mask_sam_points.sh spinnerf_dataset 2 data data

# If using text prompt, uncomment --text_prompt in scripts/data/gen_mask_sam_points.sh and comment the other command for points prompt

# Step 3. Add inpainted RGB priors to 'sam' or 'sam_text' folder
# sh scripts/data/gen_lama_prior.sh [dataset_name] [scene_name] [in_dir] [out_dir]
# Refer to datasets/pre_lama.py, datasets/post_lama.py and prior/LaMa for more info
sh scripts/data/gen_lama_prior.sh spinnerf_dataset 2 data data

# If using text prompt, change 'SFX=sam' to 'SFX=sam_text' in scripts/data/gen_lama_prior.sh

# Step 4. Train a Neural Radiance Fields without deletion, this should gen log dir 'ori'
# For NeRF
# sh scripts/comparison/nerf/run_nerf_ori.sh [scene_name]
# Refer to comparison/nerf-pytorch/run_nerf.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/nerf/run_nerf_ori.sh 2
# For TensoRF
# sh scripts/comparison/tensorf/run_tensorf_ori.sh [scene_name]
# Refer to comparison/Tensorf/train.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/tensorf/run_tensorf_ori.sh 2

# Step 5. Prepare a 'depth' folder containing inpainted rgb and depth priors
# sh scripts/data/gen_depth.sh [dataset_name] [scene_name] [in_dir] [out_dir]
# Refer to datasets/pre_depth.py for more info
# Please change LOGDIR in scripts/data/gen_depth.sh to match your own
sh scripts/data/gen_depth.sh spinnerf_dataset 2 data data

# Step 6. Reconstruct deleted scenes directly, this should gen log dir 'delete'
# For NeRF
# sh scripts/comparison/nerf/run_nerf_delete.sh [scene_name]
# Refer to comparison/nerf-pytorch/run_nerf.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/nerf/run_nerf_delete.sh 2
# For TensoRF
# sh scripts/comparison/tensorf/run_tensorf_delete.sh [scene_name]
# Refer to comparison/Tensorf/train.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/tensorf/run_tensorf_delete.sh 2

# Step 7. Reconstruct deleted scenes with depth supervision,
# This should gen log dir 'depth_all' or 'depth_partial'
# For NeRF, mode controls 'depth all' or 'depth partial'
# sh scripts/comparison/nerf/run_nerf_depth.sh [scene_name] [mode]
# Refer to comparison/nerf-pytorch/run_nerf_depth.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/nerf/run_nerf_depth_all.sh 2 # Or
sh scripts/comparison/nerf/run_nerf_depth_partial.sh 2
# For TensoRF, 'depth partial' is not applicable
# sh scripts/comparison/tensorf/run_tensorf_depth.sh [scene_name]
# Refer to comparison/Tensorf/train.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/tensorf/run_tensorf_depth.sh 2

# Step 8. Reconstruct deleted scenes with depth supervision and perceptual loss
# This should gen log dir 'lpips'
# For NeRF
# sh scripts/comparison/nerf/run_nerf_lpips.sh [scene_name]
# Refer to comparison/nerf-pytorch/run_nerf_lpips.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/nerf/run_nerf_lpips.sh 2
# For TensoRF
# sh scripts/comparison/tensorf/run_tensorf_lpips.sh [scene_name]
# Refer to comparison/Tensorf/train.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/tensorf/run_tensorf_lpips.sh 2

SPIn-NeRF Comparison

We adjust SPIn-NeRF with minimum change to fit our pipeline.

# Step 1. Prepare a 'sparse' folder for training NeRF without deletion
# sh scripts/data/gen_sparse.sh [dataset_name] [scene_name] [in_dir] [out_dir]
# Refer to datasets/pre_sparse.py, prior/LLFF for more info 
sh scripts/data/gen_sparse.sh spinnerf_dataset 2 data data

# Step 2. Prepare a 'spinnerf' folder for running SPIn-NeRF code
# sh scripts/data/gen_spinnerf.sh [dataset_name] [scene_name] [in_dir] [out_dir] [factor]
# Refer to datasets/pre_spinnerf.py, comparison/SPIn-NeRF for more info
sh scripts/data/gen_pre_spinnerf.py spinnerf_dataset 2 data data 4

# Step 3. Train spinnerf without modification (all depth + perceptual loss)
# This should gen log dir 'delete'
# sh scripts/comparison/spinnerf/run_spinnerf_ori.sh [scene_name]
# Refer to comparison/SPIn-NeRF/DS_NeRF/run_nerf.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/spinnerf/run_spinnerf_ori.sh 2

# Step 4. Train spinnerf without perceptual loss (all depth supervision only)
# This should gen log dir 'ablation/no_lpips'
# sh scripts/comparison/spinnerf/run_spinnerf_no_lpips.sh [scene_name]
# Refer to comparison/SPIn-NeRF/DS_NeRF/run_nerf.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/spinnerf/run_spinnerf_no_lpips.sh 2

# Step 5. Train spinnerf without perceptual and depth loss (train DS_NeRF directly)
# This should gen log dir 'ablation/no_depth'
# sh scripts/comparison/spinnerf/run_spinnerf_no_lpips_no_depth.sh [scene_name]
# Refer to comparison/SPIn-NeRF/DS_NeRF/run_nerf.py for more info
sh scripts/comparison/spinnerf/run_spinnerf_no_lpips_no_depth.sh 2


To run the test process, we follow a similar procedure as the reconstruction process described above. However, to ensure clarity, we create a separate folder named data/test specifically for running tests. Please refer to the related scripts and Python files for controlling the "test" process.

As we haven't check all scripts after we refactor the code, if you have any questions, please feel free to raise an issue or reach out to us directly.

Note: You may check scripts/comparison/run_net.sh and scripts/data/preprocess_data.sh to run multiple scenes with one command line.


If you find OR-NeRF useful in your work, please consider citing it:

  title={OR-NeRF: Object Removing from 3D Scenes Guided by Multiview Segmentation with Neural Radiance Fields}, 
  author={Youtan Yin and Zhoujie Fu and Fan Yang and Guosheng Lin},

This repository is developed on NeRF-Pytorch, SPIn-NeRF, TensoRF, SAM, Grounded-SAM and LaMa. Thanks for their great work, and you may also consider cite them.