Automatic Elevator Control System

For Object oriented programming Course

Project Specifications: --> Main Project jar(Executable) file: AutomaticElevatorSys-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
--> Project Main Class:

--> Two external jars: mail.jar and activation.jar used for activating the mail service. They are already built in the main jar file.

--> This project has been developed on Java Swing API using JDK 11. --> No database is used, log has been generated using java Logger class.

Instructions to use:

--> Unzip the zip file. --> Requires JRE 11 --> Run the executable jar file: java -jar AutomaticElevatorSys-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar. --> Application will launch and further instructions to use the application can be found in the report file: ProjectReport.pdf --> For admin panel, use username: admin and Password : Password

--> Source code could be found in the project file: AutomaticElevator.