
a version of gdal2tiles with MapBox support

Primary LanguagePython

gdal2mb logo



If GeoTIFFs are in projections other than EPSG:900913 (as many are), run gdalwarp first:

gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:900913 raster.tiff raster_merc.tiff

Run python gdal2tiles.py -h for usage instructions.


This is a variation of the gdal2tiles script that supports MapBox mbtiles SQLite tilesets as an output option. It has the same requirements as the original script - notably an installation of GDAL.

Usage of this command is

python gdal2tiles.py raster_merc.tiff raster_merc.mbtiles

The resultant .mbtiles file can be used in Maps on a Stick and elsewhere.