
This is my personal blog.


I've write a python script to generate new mark down file and with some other convenient functions.


To enable the argcomplete, you should:

  1. pip install argcomplete
  2. Insert the following content into ~/.zshrc:

    eval "$(register-python-argcomplete blogging)"

To using blogging command from anywhere, you should:

  1. Create a soft link to the blogging file:

    ln -s [YOUR_PROJECT_PATH]/blogging /usr/bin/local/blogging
  2. Set the blog project path:

    blogging set-project-path [YOUR_PROJECT_PATH]

Open a new shell session and ENJOY🍹


blogging new {title} {category} {tag1} {tag2}

This will generate a new file (under ./_drafts/) with some meta data and open it.

blogging ls category

This will list all the categories and corresponding count.

blogging ls tag

The same but list tags instead.

blogging save

This will commit in all the changes in ./_drafts/ folder.

blogging publish {file_name}

This will move the file from ./_drafts/ to ./_posts/ (also change the date info) and commit it to the Github pages.

blogging continue {file_name}

This will open one of your drafts so that you can continue the writes.


For the site:

  • Add visit statistics
  • Add tags for article
  • Add message board
  • Display the summary of the articles on main page intead of the whole articles
  • Randomly changed background image
  • Add license
  • Add about page
  • Complete sidebar
  • More cool animation
  • A playground page to display some front-end cool staff
  • *A side bar to display footnotes Seems a little bit difficult to implement as Github disables customize Jekyll plugins. Although we can use Javascript to relocate footnotes after Jekyll rendered, the footnote cannot contain multi-lines. All these (limitations) make it complicated to achieve a notebook-like page layout.
  • In site content search (can use google)
  • A statistics page (e.g. the rank of each post viewed/commented, the average word count, etc.)
  • Besides create date, display edit date (if the post is edited later)

For CLI:

  • Can push specific post to git and there can be a post time besides a create time
  • Auto complete category/tags
  • Colourful