
The purpose of this project is to provide the most accurate database of puzzle piece transcriptions for anyone to use.

Primary LanguagePython


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spreadsheetstiny 2: corridors of sleeplessness


The purpose of this site is to provide the most accurate database of puzzle piece transcriptions for anyone to use. Download link below.


Each image is transcribed several times by different people. Identical transcriptions increases the confidence that the transcription is accurate. Once the accuracy of an image's transcription has reached a high confidence rating, it will be added to our table of verified results.


ez mode


  • direnv
  • docker
  • docker-compose
# allow the directory to load the custom commands
direnv allow

and then you can use the pz command to run the commands on a built version of the current code:

# setup dev environment files
pz setupenv
# build the current dev version
pz lbuild
# start the dev stack
pz lup
# stop the dev stack
pz ldown
# build and reload  the dev stack (also starts if not running yet)
pz lreload
# view logs of running service
pz llogs
# attach to logs and follow running service
pz llogsf
# execute a command inside a container
pz lexec $docker_compose_service $commands
## so if you wanna run a shell inside the db it would look like this
pz lexec db bash
# run an arbitrary docker-compose command on the dev cluster
pz lcmd $command

if you do not want to mount the local /src directory into the running docker container, you can omit the prepended l on commands like so:

# setup dev environment files
pz setupenv
# build the current dev version
pz build
# start the dev stack
pz up
# stop the dev stack
pz down
# build and reload  the dev stack (also starts if not running yet)
pz restart
# view logs of running service
pz logs
# attach to logs and follow running service
pz logsf
# execute a command inside a container
pz exec $docker_compose_service $commands
## so if you wanna run a shell inside the db it would look like this
pz exec db bash
# run an arbitrary docker-compose command on the dev cluster
pz cmd $command

manual setup


# Dev
docker-compose -f build && docker-compose up -d

# Prod
docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d

local python

Python 3.7 or newer.

Install Django. Anything 3.0.x.

pip install Django
pip install mysqlclient
# OR
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Setup the database
python manage.py migrate

# Run the web server
python manage.py runserver 8000


  • Needs a approval process for submitted images...
  • The 19 lore puzzle pieces should be filtered out of the results
  • Dockerize app and figure out deployment
  • update this readme lmao

Rough guide to spinning this up as a dev server from scratch. Is missing notes on lup (mount local dir) and general iteration loop

Assuming a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 host

From the ~ directory, here assuming a non-root user

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Restart services automatically and keep local versions when asked

Some of these upgrades require reboot, let's do that now
sudo reboot

sudo apt install direnv
sudo apt install docker
sudo apt install docker-compose

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Create .vimrc
vi .vimrc
set noexpandtab
:set background=dark

Add to the very end of .bashrc
vi .bashrc
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
LS_COLORS=$LS_COLORS:'di=1;44:' ; export LS_COLORS

Log out and back in

Minimal git setup
git config --global user.name ""
git config --global user.email
git config --global core.autocrlf input

If you just want to play with it and you don't intend to submit code:
git clone git@github.com:Corridors-of-Time-Transcription/puzzlepieces.git

If you DO want to submit code and PRs, please:

  • Fork to your own repo
  • On your dev server, create keys
    ssh-keygen -o -b 4096 -t rsa
    cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub

Go to your github settings, SSH and GPG keys, and set this as a "New SSH key". Title could be "Puzzle Test Server" or something descriptive.

Get the URL for this from your github fork, "Clone with SSH", and
git clone
cd puzzlepieces
git remote add upstream git@github.com:Corridors-of-Time-Transcription/puzzlepieces.git
git remote -v

cd puzzlepieces
direnv allow

Now edit docker files depending on how you'll access your machine. Yes we know our docker routing is shonky. We invite help! Get in touch with @ebuch.

So, figure out how you access your dev server. If it's through localhost, no changes needed. If it's through another IP or a name, you'll need that IP or that name, and we'll tell docker about it. Notably that's what you use to get to it, which may not be its local IP.

cd ops
vi docker-compose.dev.yml
Find "VIRTUAL_HOST=localhost" and change to "VIRTUAL_HOST="

Rinse repeat for docker-compose.dev.local.yml

Environment files next. Same thing here, docker help appreciated
cp db-dev.env.example db-dev.env
cp production.env.example production.env
cp development.env.example development.env

cd ..
git update-index --assume-unchanged ops/docker-compose.dev.local.yml
git update-index --assume-unchanged ops/docker-compose.dev.yml

Back to puzzlepieces and spin this up. We're using pz, which is just a little script wrapped around docker

pz build
pz up

You should be able to get to http:// and docker ps should show you three containers

Syncing with upstream master, assuming your own fork and a fork and branch model
git checkout master
git pull upstream master
git push

And get the changes into your environment

pz down
pz build
pz up

The DB is named "puzzlepieces", the user is "puzzler" and the password "puzzling"