
Tether is a social media application building on react express js and socket.io.Users can share photos ,follow other users,and chat with each others

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tether is social media app with chat feature built using react js, node js and express js in microservice architecture.I use polyrepo for easy and continues deployment. Live link:http://t-ether.click

Tether frontEnd:https://github.com/cv-arun/TetherFrontend

Tether API:https://github.com/cv-arun/TetherBackend

Tether socket server:https://github.com/cv-arun/TetherWebsocketServer


  • Live chat -Users can chat with each other
  • Users can Login / SignUp with Google
  • Authorized with JWT
  • User can create post with or without a photo
  • User can Like and Commend each others post
  • User can follow and Unfollow other Users
  • Community section- Can view followers,following and peole you may know
  • Notification - User get notification whenever following people make a new post
  • Update profile-user can update profile details and profile image by uploading a new image or selecting an existing image
  • Settings- User can change their password


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