Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline Project Architecture (Java Web Application)


Jenkins Complete CI/CD Pipeline Environment Setup


  1. Create a GitHub Repository Jenkins-CI/CD-Pipeline-Project and push the code in this branch(main) to your remote repository (your newly created repository).

    • Go to GitHub (
    • Login to your GitHub Account
    • Create a Repository called "Jenkins-CICD-Project"
    • Clone the Repository in the "Repository" directory/folder in your local
    • Download the code in in this repository "Main branch":
    • Unzip the code/zipped file
    • Copy and Paste everything from the zipped file into the repository you cloned in your local
    • Add the code to git, commit and push it to your upstream branch "main or master"
    • Confirm that the code exist on GitHub
  2. Jenkins/Maven/Ansible

  3. SonarQube

  4. Nexus

  5. EC2 (Dev/Stage/Prod)

    • Create 3 Amazon Linux 2 VM instance and call them (Names: Dev-Env, Stage-Env and Prod-Env)
    • Instance type: t2.micro
    • Security Group (Open): 8080, 9100 and 22 to
    • Key pair: Select or create a new keypair
  6. Prometheus

    • Create an Ubuntu 20.04 VM instance and call it "Prometheus"
    • Instance type: t2.micro
    • Security Group (Open): 9090 and 22 to
    • Key pair: Select or create a new keypair
    • Launch Instance
  7. Grafana

    • Create an Ubuntu 20.04 VM instance and call it "Grafana"
    • Instance type: t2.micro
    • Security Group (Open): 3000 and 22 to
    • Key pair: Select or create a new keypair
    • Launch Instance
  8. Slack

  9. Configure Promitheus

    • Login/SSH to your Prometheus Server
    • Clone the following repository:
    • Change directory to "eagles-batch-devops-projects"
    • Swtitch to the "prometheus-and-grafana" git branch
    • Run: ./
    • Confirm the status shows "Active (running)"
    • Exit
  10. Configure Grafana

    • Login/SSH to your Grafana Server
    • Clone the following repository:
    • Change directory to "eagles-batch-devops-projects"
    • Swtitch to the "prometheus-and-grafana" git branch
    • Run: ls or ll (to confirm you have the branch files)
    • Run: ./
    • Confirm the status shows "Active (running)"
    • Exit
  11. Configure The "Node Exporter" accross the "Dev", "Stage" and "Prod" instances including your "Pipeline Infra"

    • Login/SSH into the "Dev-Env", "Stage-Env" and "Prod-Env" VM instance
    • Perform the following operations on all of them
    • Install git by running: sudo yum install git -y
    • Clone the following repository:
    • Change directory to "eagles-batch-devops-projects"
    • Swtitch to the "prometheus-and-grafana" git branch
    • Run: ls or ll (to confirm you have the branch files)
    • Run: ./
    • Confirm the status shows "Active (running)"
    • Access the Node Exporters running on port "9100", open your browser and run the below
      • Dev-EnvPublicIPaddress:9100 (Confirm this page is accessible)
      • Stage-EnvPublicIPaddress:9100 (Confirm this page is accessible)
      • Prod-EnvPublicIPaddress:9100 (Confirm this page is accessible)
    • Exit
  12. Configure The "Node Exporter" on the "Jenkins-Maven-Ansible", "Nexus" and "SonarQube" instances

    • Login/SSH into the "Jenkins-Maven-Ansible", "Nexus" and "SonarQube" VM instance
    • Perform the following operations on all of them
    • Install git by running: sudo yum install git -y (The SonarQube server already has git)
    • Clone the following repository:
    • Change directory to "eagles-batch-devops-projects"
    • Swtitch to the "prometheus-and-grafana" git branch
    • Run: ls or ll (to confirm you have the branch files including "")
    • Run: ./
    • Make sure the status shows "Active (running)"
    • Access the Node Exporters running on port "9100", open your browser and run the below
      • Jenkins-Maven-AnsiblePublicIPaddress:9100 (Confirm the pages are accessible)
      • NexusPublicIPaddress:9100
      • SonarQubePublicIPaddress:9100
    • Exit
  13. Update the Prometheus config file and include all the IP Addresses of the Pipeline Instances that are running the Node Exporter API. That'll include ("Dev", "Stage", "Prod", "Jenkins-Maven-Ansible", "Nexus" and "SonarQube")

    • SSH into the Prometheus instance either using your GitBash (Windows) or Terminal (macOS) or browser
    • Run the command: sudo vi /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
      • Navigate to "- targets: ['localhost:9090']" and add the "IPAddress:9100" for all the above Pipeline instances. Ecample "- targets: ['localhost:9090', 'DevIPAddress:9100', 'StageIPAddress:9100', 'ProdIPAddress:9100', 'Jenkins-Maven-AnsibleIPAddress:9100'] ETC..."
      • Save the Config File and Quit
    • Open a TAB on your choice browser
    • Copy the Prometheus PublicIP Addres and paste on the browser/tab with port 9100 e.g "PrometheusPublicIPAddres:9100"
      • Once you get to the Prometheus Dashboard Click on "Status" and Click on "Targets"
    • Confirm that Prometheus is able to reach everyone of your Nodes, do this by confirming the Status "UP" (green)
    • Done
  14. Open a New Tab on your browser for Grafana also if you've not done so already.

    • Copy your Grafana Instance Public IP and put on the browser with port 3000 e.g "GrafanaPublic:3000"
    • Once the UI Opens pass the following username and password
      • Username: admin
      • Password: admin
      • New Username: admin
      • New Password: admin
      • Save and Continue
    • Once you get into Grafana, follow the below steps to Import a Dashboard into Grafana to visualize your Infrastructure/App Metrics
    • Navigate to "Create" on your left (the + sign)
      • Click on "Import"
      • Copy the following link:
      • Paste the above link where you have "Import Via"
      • Click on Load (The one right beside the link you just pasted)
      • Scrol down to "Prometheus" and select the "Data Source" you defined ealier which is "Prometheus"
      • CLICK on "Import"
    • Refresh your Grafana Dashbaord
      • Click on the "Drop Down" for "Host" and select any of the "Instances(IP)"
  15. Update Your Jenkins file with your Slack Channel Name

    • Go back to your local, open your "Jenkins-CICD-Project" repo/folder/directory on VSCODE
    • Open your "Jenkinsfile"
    • Update the slack channel name on line "97"
    • Change name from "jenkins-cicd-pipeline-alerts" to yours
    • Add the changes to git, commit and push to GitHub
    • Confirm the changes reflects on GitHub
  16. Copy your Jenkins Public IP Address and paste on the browser = ExternalIP:8080

    • Login to your Jenkins instance using your Shell (GitBash or your Mac Terminal)
    • Copy the Path from the Jenkins UI to get the Administrator Password
      • Run: sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
      • Copy the password and login to Jenkins
    • Plugins: Choose Install Suggested Plugings
    • Provide
      • Username: admin
      • Password: admin
      • Name and Email can also be admin. You can use admin all through as we
    • Continue and Start using Jenkins
  17. Once on the Jenkins Dashboard

    • Click on "Manage Jenkins"
    • Click on "Plugin Manager"
    • Click "Available"
    • Search and Install the following Plugings "Install Without Restart"
      • SonnarQube Scanner
      • Maven Integration
      • Pipeline Maven Integration
      • Maven Release Plug-In
      • Slack Notification
    • Install all plugings without restart
  18. Confirm and make test your installations/setups