Filter-Object to SQL Where-Clause

Have a look at the full example code here.

The most important parts explained quickly:

We create a filter object that can turn itself into an expression:

public class ProductFilter
    public string? Location { get; init; } = null;
    public Guid? Warehouse { get; init; } = null;
    public string? ProductName { get; init; } = null;

    // one could probably use reflection to automate this
    public Expression<Func<ProductFilterData, bool>> ToExpression()
        var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ProductFilterData), "product");

        // we need some default expression to start out with: `true == true`
        var expression = Expression.Equal(Expression.Constant(true), Expression.Constant(true));

        if (ProductName != null)
            var propertyName = Expression.Property(parameter, nameof(ProductFilterData.ProductName));
            var constantName = Expression.Constant(ProductName);
            var nameExpr = Expression.Equal(propertyName, constantName);
            expression = Expression.AndAlso(expression, nameExpr);

        // repeat logic for other properties...

        return Expression.Lambda<Func<ProductFilterData, bool>>(expression, parameter);

The filter object expects data to be of a specific form:

public class ProductFilterData
    public string Location { get; init; }
    public Guid Warehouse { get; init; }
    public string ProductName { get; init; }

Finally, we can create SQL queries like:

using var db = new WarehouseContext();

// let's query our database:
var result = db.ProductsAtStorageBins
    .Include(ps => ps.Product)
    .Include(ps => ps.StorageBin)
    // first we need to put data into correct form...
    // (Use property initializer instead of constructors; constructors cannot
    // be translated into SQL!)
    .Select(ps => new ProductFilterData
        Location = ps.StorageBin.Id,
        Warehouse = ps.StorageBin.Warehouse.Id,
        ProductName = ps.Product.Name,
    // ...and then we apply our filter
    .Where(new ProductFilter { ProductName = "Dingsbums", Location = "00-01-00-05-03" }.ToExpression());

The following SQL (MariaDB) is generated:

SELECT `s`.`Id` AS `Location`, `w`.`Id` AS `Warehouse`, `p0`.`Name` AS `ProductName`
FROM `ProductsAtStorageBins` AS `p`
INNER JOIN `Products` AS `p0` ON `p`.`ProductId` = `p0`.`Id`
INNER JOIN `StorageBins` AS `s` ON `p`.`StorageBinId` = `s`.`Id`
INNER JOIN `Warehouses` AS `w` ON `s`.`WarehouseId` = `w`.`Id`
WHERE (`p0`.`Name` = 'Dingsbums') AND (`s`.`Id` = '00-01-00-05-03')