Data Lab (CSYS 395, Spring 2020) Challenge #1

  • Assigned 2020/01/28
  • Due 2020/02/11
  • Team 4 - The Light Monkeys:
    • Emily Beasley
    • Colin Van Oort
    • Anthony Barrows
    • Sarah Pell


  1. Parse the data file used in The Upshot and reproduce their figure.
  2. Recreate the map using your own style.
  3. Investigate correlations across different metrics.
  4. Are highly-ranked counties more or less spatially clustered than lower-ranked counties?
  5. Find a different dataset that, coupled with the county data, could help answer other interesting questions. Possible themes: social mobility, electric vehicles, social media.


  1. See county_data_eda.load_and_process_data and county_data_eda.make_upshot_figure.
  2. See county_data_eda.make_modified_upshot_figure