
When importing labelled images in "Datumaro 1.0" format they are downloaded in point cloud format

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Actions before raising this issue

  • I searched the existing issues and did not find anything similar.
  • I read/searched the docs

Steps to Reproduce

when I try to import the dataset to cvat I get

	"name": "MediaTypeError",
	"message": "Unexpected media type of a dataset item '000000'. Expected '<class ''>', actual '<class ''>' ",
	"stack": "---------------------------------------------------------------------------


MediaTypeError: Unexpected media type of a dataset item '000000'. Expected '<class ''>', actual '<class ''>' "

This is the same if I used the API or the Web GUI

Expected Behavior

the dataset be in "" format. instead of Pointcloud

Possible Solution

Use the correct Datumaro version in CVAT or fix the bug.


I updated to CAT 2.22.0 Yesterday but the issue still persists. not sure if the bit need for this needs to be updated separately or because the annotations were done before the update was made and was saved in the old format. I re exported few times after the update but in the downloaded annotation file I still get


This issue is referenced #5924 but the solution is noted as updating CVAT (which I did) not sure if I'm doing it incorrectly or some residual issue.


No response

Hi, it's not clear how you get such an error message, if you're uploading data into CVAT. There is no such name as PointCloudFromFile in the CVAT or Datumaro (our fork) codebases. If it's about the exported data, it was possible to get such a problem if annotations were exported without images before cvat-ai/datumaro#34 / CVAT 2.12.0. If you just upgraded to a version after 2.12.0, but exported the dataset before upgrading, try to change something in the task (e.g. name) and export one more time. CVAT caches exported datasets, so maybe this is causing the problem.

Hi, could you try to export the dataset with images?

I also tried downloading in "annotations-only" mode after downloading "with images" (that also gave the right type)

This looks suspicious. Did the second file include only annotations?

I can see now there is actually a problem, which can be reproduced on the online platform. For this reason it makes sense to me to keep the issue open. There was another PR that was supposed to fix this, but it hasn't been merged yet.

Let's keep it until the PR mentioned is merged.