
A tool for generating easy-to-read summaries of your Apache web server logs.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A tool for generating easy-to-read summaries of your Apache web server logs.


The program's configuration file can be found at ~/.config/jstats/config.json.

Key Description Default value
accessLogDirectory The path to your Apache log directory. /var/log/apache2
accessLogName The name of your access log. access.log
readRotatedLogs If you use logrotate to rotate your logs, jStats can find rotated logs in the same directory as the file above. true
logFormat The format of your log. This can usually be found in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf. For more information, see the documentation for mod_log_config. "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s:%>s %I %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %D %k %f \"%U\" \"%q\""
outputDirectory The directory in which jStats should write its output. ~
outputFileName The name of the file in the outputDirectory to which jStats should write its output. jstats.html
outputMonthSubpages If true, subpages containing each statistics for each month are generated in addition to the file above. true
monthSubpagePattern The naming pattern for monthly statistics pages. This has no effect if the above setting is false. "{{year}}-{{month}}.html"
inputDateFormat The format of dates within the access log. See here for date formatting details. "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z"
outputDateFormat The format to use for dates in the output file. "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz"
whoisTool The URL of your preferred WHOIS tool. {{address}} will be replaced with the IP address. "https://iplocation.io/ip/{{address}}"
printMalformedEntries If true, the program will print a message to the standard error stream if a malformed log entry is encountered. false
ignoreInternalLogs If true, internal requests from a loopback address (i.e. or ::1) will be ignored. true
timeTakenBuckets The "Time Taken" section uses these numbers for ranges, i.e. < 100, 100-500, and &geq; 500. This list must have at least one entry. [100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000]
truncateWideColumns Truncate long strings after this many characters. Set to 0 to disable truncation. 100
ipRequestCountThreshold Omit IP addresses with fewer than this many requests. 5
userAgentRequestCountThreshold Omit user agents with fewer than this many requests. 3
fileRequestCountThreshold Omit files with fewer than this many requests. 0
queryRequestCountThreshold Omit query strings with fewer than this many requests. 0
refererRequestCountThreshold Omit referers with fewer than this many requests. 0
logVerbosity The verbosity of messages generated by jStats while running. Valid settings: 0 (debug), 1 (info), 2 (warnings), 3 (errors), or 4 (silent). 1