
A VSCode extension that enables support for Ducky Script.

Ducky Script Language for VSCode

This extension enables syntax highlighting for the Ducky Script scripting language, allowing for easier and more efficient scripting.


This extension works with .txt files.

Syntax detection features :

  • Detection and highlighting for comment lines (REM lines),
  • Detection and highlighting for control keys (ENTER, ESC, GUI, ALT, CTRL and so on -- detailed list below),
  • Detection and highlighting for timer commands (DELAY, DEFAULTDELAY, REPEAT and so on -- detailed list below),
  • Detection and highlighting for strings (STRING lines).

Detailed list of supported commands :

Keyword Category Behaviour
REM Comment Turns the line into a comment
STRING Variable Detects the following value as a string
DELAY Variable Detects the following value as a number
DEFAULTDELAY or DEFAULT_DELAY Variable Detects the following value as a number
REPEAT Variable Detects the following value as a number
GUI Key Detects a keyboard key
WINDOWS Key Detects a keyboard key
APP Key Detects a keyboard key
MENU Key Detects a keyboard key
SHIFT Key Detects a keyboard key
ALT Key Detects a keyboard key
CTRL or CONTROL Key Detects a keyboard key
DOWNARROW or DOWN Key Detects a keyboard key
UPARROW or UP Key Detects a keyboard key
LEFTARROW or LEFT Key Detects a keyboard key
RIGHTARROW or RIGHT Key Detects a keyboard key
BREAK Key Detects a keyboard key
PAUSE Key Detects a keyboard key
CAPSLOCK Key Detects a keyboard key
DELETE Key Detects a keyboard key
END Key Detects a keyboard key
ENTER Key Detects a keyboard key
ESCAPE or ESC Key Detects a keyboard key
HOME Key Detects a keyboard key
INSERT Key Detects a keyboard key
NUMLOCK Key Detects a keyboard key
PAGEUP Key Detects a keyboard key
PAGEDOWN Key Detects a keyboard key
PRINTSCREEN Key Detects a keyboard key
SCROLLLOCK Key Detects a keyboard key
SPACE Key Detects a keyboard key
TAB Key Detects a keyboard key

Known Issues

This extension does not yet provide syntax error detection, the problematic phrases are just not highlighted.

Related projects

Ducky Script OS-specific payloads

Here is another repo of mine containing a compilation of Ducky Script payloads sorted by OS and by distribution, which you can adapt to your needs :


1.0.5 - March 7th, 2020

Added an icon to the extension. It can be found under ./img/icon.png.

Here it is :

1.0.2 - March 6th, 2020

Improved detection of single-line command/letter key combinations.

Certain combinations would not get detected in cases with more than 2 successive commands/letter keys. In those cases, only the 2 first instructions of each line woud get detected.

E.g. CTRL ALT DELETE would only detect CTRL ALT.

Detection now works for potentially infinite single-line command/letter key combinations.

1.0.1 - March 4th, 2020

Improved detection of error-prone keyword use cases.

Certain inline keyword combinations resulted in false positives, and thus errors in highlighting.

E.g. Certain REM lines would highlight other keywords and variables instead of treating them as comments.

1.0.0 - March 4th, 2020

Initial release of the Ducky Script Language for VSCode extension.

. . .

About this extension

Written by benur. The source code to this extension is free to download and tweak or customize for your personnal use only.

This is my very first extension, so feedback is much appreciated ! :)
