
An E2E restful API automation solution has implemented using Java, RestAssured, Maven, and Java 8

Primary LanguageJava

E2E API Testing framework

This is a E2E Rest API testing framework for sample endpoints available in https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/apidoc/index.html, The published APIs represent a booking system where user can create, update and cancel bookings.

Tests are written using a combination of Java, RestAssured, TestNG & Maven.

Technology Stack

  • Java
  • Maven
  • RestAssured
  • TestNG


Application Under Test

We are using Restful-Booker APIs as the Application Under Test.

The project directory structure

The project follows the standard directory structure used in most of the projects:

  + main
    + java
      + api                       Builder implementations of all AUT apis
      + env                       methods to get/set env related configs
      + pojo                      pojos of all endpoints
      + utilities                 utility methods and constants
  + test
    + java
      + api                       tests of endpoints of AUT
    + resources
      + properties                Config properties
      + suites                    TestNG suite files
      + logback.xml               for info/debug logs

Design Patterns and Standards

This framework has followed some of industry using standards and patterns like singleton, builder and oops.

Following instructions will help you running the project. First, clone this project locally on your machine from the master branch.

Installation and Test Execution

Open the project in any IDE Eclipse/IntelliJ. Run the following command in Terminal and build the project. It will automatically download all the required dependencies and execute the tests automatically with maven-surefire-plugin

$ mvn clean install

Test Report

You can find the ReportNG reports in the following directory of the Project.

/surefire-reports/index.html - // for TestNG reports
/target/surefire-reports/html/index.html - // for ReportNG reports