Component wrapper for Google reCAPTCHA v2
npm install --save react-google-recaptcha
With 0.13, install version 0.4.1
npm install --save react-google-recaptcha@0.4.1
All you need to do is sign up for an API key pair. You will need the client key.
You can then use the reCAPTCHA. The default require, imports a wrapped component that loads the reCAPTCHA script asynchronously.
var React = require("react");
var render = require("react-dom").render
var ReCAPTCHA = require("react-google-recaptcha");
function onChange(value) {
console.log("Captcha value:", value);
sitekey="Your client site key"
Other properties can be used to customised the rendering.
Name | Type | Description |
sitekey | string | The API client key |
onChange | func | The function to be called when the user completes successfully the captcha |
theme | enum | optional light or dark The them of the widget (defaults: light) |
type | enum | optional image or audio The type of initial captcha (defaults: image) |
tabindex | number | optional The tabindex on the element (default: 0) |
onExpired | func | optional callback when the challenge is expired and has to be redone by user. By default it will call the onChange with null to signify expired callback. |
stoken | string | optional set the stoken parameter, which allows the captcha to be used from different domains, see reCAPTCHA secure-token |
In order to translate the reCaptcha widget you should create a global variable configuring the desire language, if you don't provide it reCaptcha will pick up the user's interface language.
window.recaptchaOptions = {
lang: 'fr'
The component also has some utility functions that can be called.
returns the value of the captcha fieldreset()
forces reset. See the JavaScript API doc
You can also use the barebone components doing the following. Using that component will oblige you to manage the grecaptcha dep and load the script by yourself.
var React = require("react");
var render = require("react-dom").render
var ReCAPTCHA = require("react-google-recaptcha/lib/recaptcha");
var grecaptchaObject = grecaptcha // You must provide access to the google grecaptcha object.
function onChange(value) {
console.log("Captcha value:", value);
sitekey="Your client site key"