
About installation

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm a novice who has only recently started learning about this and am currently learning LightGlue.
When I type
python3 -m pip install -e
it warn that -e option requires 1 argument
I don't know what to enter, can you tell me how to do?
Thank you very much!

You're missing a . after -e

You're missing a after .``-e

Thank you for your answer!
I'm sorry to bother you with a simple question.
But when i type . after-e
There is a warn:
ERROR: File "" or "setup.cfg" not found. Directory cannot be installed in editable mode: /root/glue-factory (A "pyproject.toml" file was found, but editable mode currently requires a setuptools-based build.)
Did I miss something again?
I would be grateful if you could answer my question again!

You most likely need to update pip and setuptools:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

You most likely need to update pip and setuptools:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

Thank you very much for your answer! This solved my problem perfectly, I can successfully runpython -m gluefactory.eval.hpatches --conf superpoint+lightglue-official --overwrite thank you very much!!!!!