BRULE: Barycenter-Regularized Unsupervised Landmark Extraction

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation of Barycenter-Regularized Unsupervised Landmark Extraction in PyTorch

Main requirements

  • PyTorch 1.5.0
  • CUDA 10.0+
  • GPU 16Gb

Principal diagram of the model



Download datasets CelebA (http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/CelebA.html) and 300-W (https://ibug.doc.ic.ac.uk/resources/300-W). Set the required paths to the datasets in file ./parameters/path.py.

  • DefaultPath.ausland - path to the dataset.
  • DefaultPath.homa - path to tensorboard logs folder.
  • output model will be saved in path: "DefaultPath.ausland + "/saved_models"".

Compile cuda extensions of stylegan2:

python3 ./gans_pytorch/gan/nn/stylegan/op/setup.py install

Start tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir=runs

  • runs (path in DefaultPath.homa), like "/home/brule_logs/"

Train BRULE model with accuracy test on 300-W:

python 3 ./examples/stylegan_train_unsupervised.py


  1. main:
  • Create BRULE model.
  1. Train part:
  • Initialize g_transforms (transforms for geometric regularizer R_t), calculate barycenter.
  • Create R_t (geom. reg.), R_b (barycenter reg.) regularizers.
  • Train part before gan, after that train part with gan.
  1. Logger.
  • Send losses, metrics and pictures to tensorboard.