
Script to easily install new SSL keys on a Dynatrace DC RUM AMD

Primary LanguageShellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Script to remotely deploy (or undeploy) private key files to one or more AMDs


deploy_key.sh [-h] [-r|-R] [-z -z] -a amdname|amdlist -f privatekeyfile -u username [-p password|-i identfile]

Run directly on an AMD for local changes, or called automatically by deploy_key.sh script for remote usage.


-h Display usage help. Optional.

Restart Control

-r Restart rtm daemon/service for key change to take effect. Default.


-R DO NOT restart rtm daemon/service.

AMD List

-a amdname|amdlist Deploy to amdname (ip/fqdn) or to each AMD in a line by line list file amdlist.

Private Key

-f privatekeyfile PEM format private key file to be deployed (or with -z undeployed). Required.

Undeploy Key

-z -z Remove and secure erase private key in -f parameter. Optional.

Note: Double -z required for safety. This permanently erases the private key from the AMD/s.


-u username User name to log onto AMD, requires root/sudo access to modify private keys.

-i identfile SSH private key to auto login to AMD as username.


-p password Password for username.

Note: -i overrides -p as it is the more secure option.


./deploy_key.sh -a -f mysitekey.key

Deploy mysitekey.key to AMD at, use default user/password combination.

./deploy_key.sh -a amdlist.txt -f mysitekey.key -u root -i sshkey.key

Deploy mysitekey.key to all AMDs in amdlist.txt using root and a SSH identity (key) file.

./deploy_key.sh -z -z -a amdlist.txt -f removethis.key

Undeploy removethis.key from all AMDs in the file amdlist.txt, list file is a simple text file one AMD (by ip of fqdn) per line.


  • bash
  • ssh
  • sshpass (only if the -p password option is used.)
  • core-utils


Script to easily install new SSL keys on an Dynatrace DC RUM AMD

Takes a private key file, checks it for validity (correct format), and then adds it to the AMDs key repository, sets appropriate file ownership and permissions, and updates the key list file. A restart is required for the new key to be used by the AMD.


Copy the scripts to your AMD server, make them executable by running:

chmod +x rtm_install_key.sh

chmod +x key_convert.sh

Installation NOT required if using deploy_key.sh script, it's handled automatically.


rtm_install_key.sh [-h] [-c rtmconfigfile] [-R|-R] [-z] -k privatekeyfile

Run directly on an AMD for local changes, or called automatically by deploy_key.sh script for remote usage.

-h Display usage help. Optional.

-c rtmconfigfile Location of rtm.config if not the default. Optional.

-r Restart rtm daemon/service for key change to take effect. Default.

-R DO NOT restart rtm daemon/service.

-z Remove and secure erase private key in -k parameter. Optional.

-k privatekeyfile PEM format private key to be installed. Required.


./rtm_install_key.sh -k mysitekey.pem


./rtm_install_key.sh -z -k remove.key


Script assumes rtm.config file is found in /usr/adlex/config/rtm.config, this is the default location, and can be changed with the -c rtmconfigfile parameter if a non-default installation location is used.

  • bash
  • openssl
  • core-utils


Script to easily convert multiple key formats to PEM as required by Dynatrace DC RUM AMD.

Takes a private key file in PEM, DER, JKS or PKCS12 (P12, PFX) format. And checks the validity of the key, and converts it to a PEM format ready for the rtm_install_key script.

If the provided key file is in the correct format and is valid, there'll be no output, simply a message confirming such.

If the key required conversion, the output will be a new key file in PEM format, with message detailing the new name.

Note: The key file name is expected to have a .key .pem, .der, .pfx, .p12, or .jks extension.

New: Experimental JKS (Java Key Store) format support. The script will walk you though the extraction and conversion of one private key from a JKS file. Can be repeated for multiple keys.


key_convert.sh [-h] -k privatekeyfile

-h Deplay usage help. Optional

-k privatekeyfile Private key to be validated/converted. Required


./key_convert.sh -k mysitekey.p12


  • bash
  • openssl
  • core-utils
  • java keytool (for JKS support)