
Simple message flasher for the Laravel framework

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple flash-message handler for the Laravel framework.


Install the bundle with artisan:

php artisan bundle::install flasher

Update your application/bundles.php file:

'flasher' => array( 'auto' => true ),

And add an alias to application/config/application.php for ease-of-use:

	'aliases' => array(
		'Flasher'     => 'Flasher\\Flasher',

Sample Usage

In your controllers, flash the message before your redirect.

public function post_login()

	$credentials = Input::all();

	if ( Auth::attempt($credentials) ) {

		Flasher::success('Welcome back!');
		return Redirect::to('home');


	Flasher::error('Login failed');

	return Redirect::back();


In your views, all you need to see the flashed messages is:


Or render them directly with:

{{ Flasher::showall() }}


The output format of the flash is stored in a configuration file. Simply copy the bundles/flasher/config/flasher.php to application/config/flasher.php and adjust it as required.

Alternatively, you can copy the view from bundles/flasher/views/flashes.php into your application's views and @render() that instead. See [Working with Messages] for details.


Adding Messages

To add a flash message of a certain type:

Flasher::add( $message, $type = null )

This adds a message to the flash array. A more common way to do this would be to use a magic method:

Flasher::error('Something has gone wrong!');
Flasher::success('You did it!');
Flasher::info('File size is '.$size);

Any value can be used for $type (or for a magic method), except for the retrieval methods below.

Retrieve Messages

To retrieve all messages (returns an array of Flasher\Message objects):


Retrieve all messages of type "error":


Retrieve first (or last) message (returns a single Flasher\Message object):


Retrieve first (or last) message of a type:


Check if there are any error messages (returns boolean):

if ( Flasher::has('error') ) {

Check if there are any messages:

if ( Flasher::has() ) {

Displaying Messages

The Flasher\Message objects have type and message attributes at your disposal. You can use these directly in views, for example.

@foreach( Flasher::get() as $msg )
<div class="flash-{{ $msg->type }}">
	{{ $msg->message }}

Flasher\Message objects also have a format() method which takes a string, similar to Laravel's Messages class. You can pass a string with embedded :type and :message strings, and they will be replaced with the appropriate values:

echo $msg->format('<p class="alert alert-:type">:message</p>');

Calling the format() method without an argument will use whatever is defined by the format key in application/config/flasher.php, falling back to the key defined in bundles/flasher/config/flasher.php (which is the same as the above example).

Finally, the Flasher\Message object has a magic __toString() which just calls format() with no arguments (i.e. use the configuration format).

We've added a quick way to display all the formatted messages (optionally filtering on type):

echo Flasher::showall($type);

This is pretty much equivalent to:

foreach( Flasher::all($type) as $message ) {
	echo $message->format();

Bugs and Suggestions

Use the Github Issues sysyem to report bugs or suggest improvements. Even better, fork this repository and submit a pull request.


  • Convert to Laravel 4 composer package