
Erlang client API for the spop server

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

espop - Erlang client library for spop

This is a client library written in erlang to interface with the excellent spop server http://github.com/Schnouki/spop. It support all current commands of the spopd server. See the facade, espop.erl, for documentation and specs.


  • Use rebar (not included) to build
  • There are no dependencies to download

Example usage

1> espop:start().
2> rr(espop).
3> espop:find("Throne").
1 - Game of Thrones - Best of Seasons 1, 2 & 3
156 - Ramin DjawadiGame Of Thrones
4> espop:play(1)
#status{status = <<"playing">>,repeat = false,
         shuffle = false,total_tracks = 19,current_track = 1,
         artist = <<"L'Orchestra Cinematique">>,
         title = <<"The King's Arrival (from Game of Thrones - Season 1)">>,
         album = <<"Game of Thrones - Best of Seasons 1, 2 & 3">>,
         duration = 216000,position = 0.371,
         uri = <<"spotify:track:4tJqf2Cc9JP77Z984hJdYl">>,
         popularity = 45}

For the above to work, the spopd server must be running at localhost:6602.

Set the application environment variables 'host' and 'port' to change which server to talk to.


Apache license version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.

The file src/rfc4627.erl is excluded from this license and is borrowed from http://github.com/tonyg/erlang-rfc4627. See this file for copyright and license details.