Neovim client library and GUI, in Qt5.
- Qt5
- Neovim
You can build using CMake and your build system of choice. It should build in any system where Qt5 and Msgpack can build.
For Unix call
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make
for Windows both MSVC and Mingw are supported. Use the following
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ cmake --build .
For MSVC build you may have to specify the VS version and build type. Always make sure the VS versions matches your Qt libraries.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 14" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ cmake --build . --config Release --target install
The binaries will be under build/bin/. The GUI binary is called nvim-qt. Run make install to install it, or execute from the source setting the environment variable NVIM_QT_RUNTIME as the path holding the GUI shim plugin
$ NVIM_QT_RUNTIME_PATH=../src/gui/runtime bin/nvim-qt
See the wiki for detailed build instructions.
Run nvim-qt, the nvim binary must be in your $PATH. Check nvim-qt --help
for additional options.
Commands for interacting with the GUI are regular commands, available in the documentation :help nvim-gui-shim. For example to change the font call
:Guifont DejaVu Sans Mono:h13
To disable the GUI tabline and use the nvim TUI tabline, call
:GuiTabline 0
You can set GUI options on startup, in the GUI configuration file (:help ginit.vim).
In recent versions of Neovim you can also use regular options (in init.vim) that have the same effect:
- set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono:h11
- set linespace=4
The NeovimConnector class is used to setup the connection to Neovim. It also provides you with low level methods for RPC - in general you should be using the signals/slots in the QObject returned by NeovimConnector::neovimObject()
- To call a function call the corresponding slot
- The result of the call is delivered by the corresponding signal, by convention these signals are named 'on_' + slot_name
- The Neovim() class is automagically generated from the Neovim metadata
- For Neovim functions that take the Object type we use QVariant
- To catch Neovim Notifications connect to the Neovim::neovimNotification signal
Part of the code is auto-generated by calling Neovim to get the API metadata, and generating C++ code. This is done using a python script ( if you just want to use neovim-qt as is you don't need to worry about this, I already include the generated code in the repository.
The bindings source templates are stored under the bindings/ folder the generated code is in src/auto/.
To generate the bindings yourself you need
- python
- python-msgpack
- jinja2
Just run make bindings
in Unix or the equivalent build command in Windows.