Portworx Enterprise with IBM ROKS


This document helps user deploy portworx storage with IBM Cloud Red Hat Openshift Kubernetes Service (ROKS). It was created for the purpose of Watson Cloud Pak for AIOPs V 3.1 Deployment.

Installation High Level Steps

  • Provision ROKS Cluster 5 Worker Nodes (16Cores/64GB) - Classic Infra
  • Use IBM Cloud Block Attacher Plugin,
  • Provision and attach Block Storage, using predefined script.
  • Install Portworx Enterprise from IBM Cloud Catalog
  • Validate you are able to create required storage classes.

Tools / CLIs needed on developer laptop

  • oc
  • ibmcloud
  • helm
  • python3
  • docker runtime

Step 1 Install Attacher Plugin (block-attacher) using helm chart

  • Make sure your have logged in to OCP Cluster using oc login command
  • Run following commands
helm repo add iks-charts https://icr.io/helm/iks-charts
helm repo add ibm-charts https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBM/charts/master/repo/stable
helm repo add ibm-community https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBM/charts/master/repo/community
helm repo add entitled https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBM/charts/master/repo/entitled
helm repo add ibm-helm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBM/charts/master/repo/ibm-helm

helm repo update

helm install block-attacher iks-charts/ibm-block-storage-attacher --namespace kube-system

  • Make sure there is daemon set created and all pods are running

oc get pod -n kube-system -o wide | grep attacher

Step 2 Setup Block Storage for Portworx on IBM Cloud (Automated Via Script)

Please note that if you don't want to use ibmcloud-block-storage-provisioner script, you can manually create new volume and attach to each instance of woker node. Please look at the instructions specified in Appendix A and skip this step 2 completly.

Please refer https://github.com/IBM/ibmcloud-storage-utilities and build script

  • Clone git clone https://github.com/IBM/ibmcloud-storage-utilities.git
  • cd ibmcloud-storage-utilities/block-storage-provisioner
  • Build the docker image which will be used for storage provisioning.
  • Make sure you have python3 and docker on this machine
  • make all which will build a new docker image ibmcloud-block-storage-provisioner:latest
  • Use your own docker image ibmcloud-block-storage-provisioner:latest

Use script to setup storage

  • Edit yamlgen.yaml
  • Make sure it points to your ROKS cluster. Example below, cluster name is waiops31dev
  • Give the volume size as per your requirements.
  • Example:
cluster: waiops31dev  #  name of ROKS cluster
region:  us-south       #  cluster region
type: endurance          #  performance | endurance
offering: storage_as_a_service   #  storage_as_a_service | enterprise | performance
hourly_billing_flag: True
  - tier:  4              #   [0.25|2|4|10]
size: [ 400 ]

Please note: Above script will provision required block storage using your IBM Cloud account. Make sure you have proper permission to provision classic infrastructure

  • Collect following data points

  • SL_USERNAME is a SoftLayer user name. Example: 2xxxxxx_cvishal@in.ibm.com

  • SL_API_KEY is a SoftLayer API Key. Login -> IAM -> API Keys -> View -> Classic Infra Key - Create one.

  • Make sure your fresh login to ibmcloud ibmcloud login --sso before.

  • Run following command from same directory where yamlgen.yaml is present.

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/data -v ~/.bluemix:/config -e SL_API_KEY=<classic_infra_key> -e SL_USERNAME=2XXXXXX_cvishal@in.ibm.com ibmcloud-block-storage-provisioner
  • Look newly generated script, example pv-<clustername>.yaml
  • oc apply -f pv-<clustername>.yaml
  • This will attach additional storage to ROKS Cluster.
  • oc describe pv | grep -i attachs and wait untile you see status as attached.

Step 3 Provision 'Portworx Enterprise' from IBM Cloud Catalog

  • Select KVDB instead of etcd
  • Give IBM Cloud API Key (Standard API Key from Access IAM -> API Keys -> IBM Cloud API Key)
  • Select your resource group -> OCP Cluster
  • Click on Provision

Step 4 validate

  • Go to command line and oc get pods -n kube-system
  • Make sure all portworx related pods and up and running
  • Test the storage by creating PVC


apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
 name: testpvc
 namespace: default
 storageClassName: "portworx-shared-sc"
 - ReadWriteMany
     storage: 1Gi
  • Run this testpvc and make sure PV gets created and attached to this PVC.

Portwork Cleanup Process (Be Careful)

Please dont execute this if you have important system. This script will clean all the storage and portworx instance etc.

  • When run into problem make sure you cleanup the storage
  • Use Git project - https://github.com/IBM/ibmcloud-storage-utilities
  • cd px-utils/px_cleanup directory
  • Run px_cleanup.sh which will clean Portworx Storage Classes, pods, daemonsets, etc and free Block Storage. It also clean Protworx Enterprise service etc
  • After cleanup script, make sure you revoke access of storage from all worker nodes

Some Tips and useful commands:

  • Get attached stoarge for each node. Execute this after running the commad oc apply -f pv-<clustername>.yaml
  • Get all nodes and for each node, run 'lsblk' command

Example: You have 3 nodes in your ROKS Cluster

oc get nodes
NAME          STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION   Ready    master,worker   22h   v1.19.0+d856161   Ready    master,worker   22h   v1.19.0+d856161   Ready    master,worker   22h   v1.19.0+d856161

oc debug node/ -- chroot /host lsblk
oc debug node/ -- chroot /host lsblk
oc debug node/ -- chroot /host lsblk

  • Make sure you see the storage which you have requested to attach and not more or less.

  • Create a small script which check Portworx Status on each node.

  • vi check-pxctl-status.sh and add following lines (example for 3 node cluster)

PX_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l name=portworx -n kube-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
kubectl exec $PX_POD -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl status
PX_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l name=portworx -n kube-system -o jsonpath='{.items[1].metadata.name}')
kubectl exec $PX_POD -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl status
PX_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l name=portworx -n kube-system -o jsonpath='{.items[2].metadata.name}')
kubectl exec $PX_POD -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl status


Appendix A: If dont want to use script provided by IBM, you can manually create volume and attach to all worker nodes.

Create the required Block Storage with IBM Cloud (400GB on each worker node)

  • Get List of worker nodes
    ibmcloud oc worker ls --cluster waiops31dev

  • Login to ibmcloud CLI
    ibmcloud login --sso

For each worker node run following steps.


    1. Provision 400GB Block Storage
      ibmcloud sl block volume-order --storage-type endurance --size 400 --tier 4 --os-type LINUX --datacenter dal10 -b hourly
    1. Wait for volume to ready
      ibmcloud sl block volume-list --order <order number>
    1. Get Details of storage (Target IP and LUN Id)
      ibmcloud sl block volume-list (Wait for volume to be ready)
      ibmcloud sl block volume-detail <volume_ID>
  • Example

vishal@~>ibmcloud sl block volume-detail 230521896
Name                       Value   
ID                         230521896   
User name                  DSW02SEL2137118-242   
Type                       endurance_block_storage   
Capacity (GB)              1500   
LUN Id                     1   
Endurance Tier             WRITEHEAVY_TIER   
Endurance Tier Per IOPS    4   
Datacenter                 dal10   
Target IP           
# of Active Transactions   0   
Replicant Count            0   
    1. Get list of all worker nodes and their private IPs
  • oc get nodes -o wide

  • Pick one node to attache storage. Node down the private IP of that Node

    1. Authorise newly provisioned block storage to worker node private IP </br/>
  • ibmcloud sl block access-authorize <volume_ID> -p <private_worker_IP> </br/>

    1. Note down host-iqn, username and password </br/>
  • ibmcloud sl block access-list 230521896 </br/>


vishal@~>ibmcloud sl block access-list 230521896
id          name            type   private_ip_address   source_subnet   host_iqn                                    username                    password           allowed_host_id   
161865392   IP        -               iqn.2021-04.com.ibm:dsw02su2137118-i161865392   DSW02SU2137118-I161865392   kafZp8dD5NB2mq2u   2326788   
  • Create a pv.yaml for attaching storage </br/>
  • Example</br/>
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: aiops31pv
    ibm.io/iqn: "iqn.2021-04.com.ibm:dsw02su2137118-i161865392"
    ibm.io/username: "DSW02SU2137118-I161865392"
    ibm.io/password: "vZP6Tb9EBqNbXNYv"
    ibm.io/targetip: ""
    ibm.io/lunid: "1"
    ibm.io/nodeip: ""
    ibm.io/volID: "230521896"
    storage: "400Gi"
    - ReadWriteOnce
      path: /
  storageClassName: ibmc-block-attacher

  • Run oc apply -f pv.yaml
  • Run oc decribe pv <pvname> and make sure state is attached.


  • Once all Block Storage is provisioned and PVs are created, you can proceed for Portworx Enterprise Service installation.