
Primary LanguageMakefileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise - Demonstration Environment

This project allows you to quickly build a CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise master environment that runs within a Docker container with persistent storage mapped to a local drive. This project:

In the next section we will cover how to configure the Docker container (after you clone or download this project locally).


Before running CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise for the first time you will want to update the docker-compose.yml file for your specific requirements as outlined below:

Time Zone:

If you would like to set time zone you can edit the following line in the environment section of the file:

JAVA_OPTS: "-Dorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.fmt.timeZone=America/New_York"


In the default configuration CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise will be available on port 9070 (i.e. at http://localhost:9070). You can edit the port in the following line in the ports section of the file:

- "9070:8080" #host:container

Persistent Storage:

To persist your Jenkins home when the container restarts you will need to map a local volume on your machine to the Jenkins home directory on the docker container. In my environment I map Jenkins home to the /Users/craigvitter/JenkinsEnterprise directory on my MacBook. You should edit that portion of the following line in the volumes section:

- /Users/craigvitter/JenkinsEnterprise:/var/jenkins_home # Set the Jenkins home on the host machine


The following line in the volumes section maps the docker container's sock to the host's to allow your CloudBees Jenkins Team instance to access the host's Docker installation. If your host machine has docker installed in another location edit the first path to match the local location.

- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # Allow the container to run Docker on Docker


The first time you run CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise using this setup you will need to build the image locally on your host. This project includes two ways to accomplish this goal. The easiest way is to simply type the following command within the project root:

make build

You can also use the following Docker command:

docker-compose build

Once the image has completed building you can run it using the following command:

make start


docker-compose up -d

When the container is up and running your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise instance will be available at: http://localhost:9070

If you need to stop your container you can use:

make stop


docker-compose down


When a new version of CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise is released the easiest way to update your Docker image is to use the following make commands:

make stop
make build
make start

to retrieve and build the lastest version.

Alternatively you could use the following Docker commands:

docker-compose down
docker pull jenkins/jenkins
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d


The content in this repository is Open Source material released under the Apache 2.0 License. Please see the LICENSE file for full license details.


The code in this repository is not sponsored or supported by Cloudbees, Inc.

Authors and Contributors

Questions, Feedback, Pull Requests Etc.

If you have any questions, feedback, suggestions, etc. please submit them via issues or, even better, submit a Pull Request!