Memory Game is a project I created for the Grow with Google Udacity FEND Nanodegree program. I used starter project files from Udacity that contained static HTML and CSS styling. I converted this game from a static project to an interactive one and added styling and responsive design elements.
I included several game behavior functions that the project rubric required, including:
- Memory game logic with randomly shuffled cards
- Congratulations popup modal
- Restart button
- Star rating
- Timer
- Move counter
The game works like the traditional concetration game, where the user flips two cards over at a time. If the cards match, they stay turned over. If not, they are flipped face down and the user flips another two, until the user can match all cards.
The shuffle function in the game, which makes the shuffling of the deck random, is called the Fisher-Yates (Knuth) shuffle function from here:
Here is a D3 visual of how this shuffle function works, by Mike Bostock:
Icons are from font-awesome, here:
The font family for the page is here:
This project was submitted for a Udacity course to follow a rubric, so I won't be accepting pull requests