
test on our own data

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I'm shocked by the performance of DiffMatch model and interested in how well it could be on specialized data. I want to know do you have any plan to release the code that could run on our own data(i.e. an images pair). Thank you for any info updating.

Hi, I encounter a similar problem when running DiffMatch on public datasets such as MegaDepth and Scannet. It seems that in the test codes the value 'mask' is indispensable which comes from the ground truth corresponding relationship, perplexing me whether to access promising performance without 'mask' for it is unknown while testing. Have you accomplished the implementation on your data? How to make it available? Thanks for your kind proposals.

I so want to know.

This project borrow code from Dense Matching. It says how to prepare the dataset.


Fine, this repo still use a magic csv file...
这个库的csv也没说哪来的, DEPD数据集自带吗?我还没下



Hi, I'm shocked by the performance of DiffMatch model and interested in how well it could be on specialized data. I want to know do you have any plan to release the code that could run on our own data(i.e. an images pair). Thank you for any info updating.

have you succeeded to use DiffMatch to match your own image pairs?