
RedHat and Debian Packages that configure the CernVM File System to mount with autofs

Primary LanguageShell


RedHat and Debian Packages that configure the CernVM File System to mount with autofs

Debian 8+

The package will install a file under /etc/auto.master.d that appropriately configures autofs. After installation and removal it will issue systemctl reload autofs.service to cause autofs to reload its mount maps.


The package will install a file under /etc/auto.master.d that appropriately configures autofs. The administrator must run systemctl reload autofs.service to cause autofs to reload its mount maps.


RHEL6-based systems are not aware of /etc/auto.master.d. On these systems, the script automatically edits /etc/auto.master at installation and removal.


Build scripts are available for Debian and RedHat systems in the packaging directory.