
Collectd Plugin to Monitor CvmFS Clients

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Collectd Module for CvmFS



TypesDB "/usr/share/collectd/collectd_cvmfs.db"
<Plugin "python">
  Import "collectd_cvmfs"
  <Module "collectd_cvmfs">
    Repo "alice.cern.ch" "atlas.cern.ch"
    Repo "ams.cern.ch"
    MountTime True
    MountTimeout 10
    Memory True
    Attribute ndownload nioerr
    Attribute usedfd
    Verbose False
    Interval "300"
  • TypesDB: types used by the plugin and shipped with the package.
  • Repo: cvmfs repository to monitor.
  • MountTime: boolean value to specify whether mount time should be reported or not.
  • MountTimeout: timeout in seconds while trying to mount the repositories.
  • Memory: boolean value to specify whether the memory footprint should be reported or not.
  • Attribute: attribute to monitor on the given repositories. You can get the list from of valid attributes from the type db in resources/collectd_cvmfs.db.
  • Interval: interval in seconds to probe the CVMFS repositories.
  • Verbose: boolean value to produce logs more verbosed in collectd. It is false by default.

The plugin allows multiple instances for different configurations. This allows probing different repos at different intervals or probing different attributes depending on the repository.


The metrics are published in the following structure:

Plugin: cvmfs
PluginInstance: <repo>
Type: {<Attribute>|MountTime|Memory|Mountok}

# Only with Memory:
TypeInstance: [rss|vms]


lxplus123.cern.ch/cvmfs-lhcb.cern.ch/mounttime values=[0.000999927520751953]
lxplus123.cern.ch/cvmfs-lhcb.cern.ch/nioerr values=[0]
lxplus123.cern.ch/cvmfs-lhcb.cern.ch/memory-rss values=[31760384]
lxplus123.cern.ch/cvmfs-repo.domain.ch/mountok values=[1]