
This is a simple recipe for launching jobs on a cluster.

It is mostly meant for clusters that lack proper queueing systems (such as the vision cluster at MIT).


  1. Install tmux
  2. Add this line to your .tmux.conf: bind-key y set-window-option synchronize-panes
  3. Put into your path
  4. Modify to change domains to your domain


  1. Start tmux
  2. Run command: crunch N machine1 machine2 machine3 where N is the number of replicas you want, and the rest are the hostnames of the machines you want to connect. This will cause tmux to open N*number_of_hosts panes, with SSH connections into each machine.
  3. Press Ctrl+b y to synchronize all the panes.
  4. Start typing, and your input will be broadcast to all machines.

Best practices

If you write your scripts in the right way, you can use the above workflow to process data in parallel. Below is a psuedo-code that shows the basic idea. It assumes you are using a networked file system (such as NFS).

workload = ["file1.json", "file2.json", ...]

random.shuffle(workload) # in matlab, you must remember to set the random seed

for workitem in workload:
  in_path = "input/" + workitem
  out_path = "output/" + workitem
  lock_path = out_path + ".lock"
  if exist(out_path) or exist(lock_path):
  mkdir(lock_path) # create lock file
  # do heavy lifting here that eventually writes out_path
  rmdir(lock_path) # remove lock file

CSAIL instructions

Remember, everytime you connect to a CSAIL machine, you must authenticate, otherwise your jobs will be killed eventually. To get around this, you can start your session with longscreen, and start tmux inside the longscreen.