
Sample Arduino project for the 2013 Music Visualizer Hackathon

Primary LanguageArduino

How to install the HackathonSample visualizer

These instructions are tricky, so we'll help you if you need it!

  1. Download this code as a ZIP file (click the ZIP download button above)
  2. Unzip the download, which will create a folder called HackathonSample-master
  3. Move the HackathonSample-master folder to your Arduino directory (which usually in your Documents folder)
  4. Inside the HackathonSample-master folder, there is a sub folder called libraries. Open up the libraries folder and drag all the folders inside it to your Arduino/libraries folder.

How to run the HackathonSample visualizer

  1. Launch the Arduino IDE
  2. File | Sketchbook | HackathonSample-master | HackathonSample
  3. Upload to your Arduino (click the right-pointing arrow in the toolbar or press the Ctrl-U or Cmd-U hotkey)

More info on libraries can be found here: http://learn.adafruit.com/arduino-tips-tricks-and-techniques/arduino-libraries