
quickly exchange files on two computers through an intermediary computer using ssh and scp

Primary LanguageRuby


I created this because sometimes I need to exchange a file or two between my home and work computers (the latter is a two-step SSH through my employer's gateway machine). I can accomplish this several ways:

  1. Use SSH connection forwarding trickery (not too hard) and using scp a lot (a pain)
  2. Copy files through an intermediary which is not behind any firewall (my web server) using scp a lot (also a pain)
  3. Copy files through an intermediary using a script that automates the process (winner!)

This project is the script described in step 3.


Stick this in your ~/bin directory -- everyone has something like ~/bin in his path, right? -- and make it executable. Then, use it like this:

# create .exchange dir on server (first time use only)
$ exchange.rb install

# send file foo to server (run on one machine)
$ exchange.rb foo

# list files, then retrieve file foo (run on other machine)
$ exchange.rb ls
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 cvk cvk  684 Oct 20 22:23 README.markdown
-rw-r--r-- 1 cvk cvk 1200 Oct 20 22:39 exchange.rb
-rw-r--r-- 1 cvk cvk   42 Oct 20 22:01 foo
$ exchange.rb get foo

Run exchange with no arguments to get this handy usage message:

exchange.rb ls             list files in .exchange dir on server
exchange.rb get            copy all files in remote .exchange dir to current dir
exchange.rb get file1 ...  copy files in remote .exchange dir to current dir
exchange.rb file1 ...      copy file1, file2, etc. to remote .exchange dir  
exchange.rb clear          interactively delete contents of .exchange dir
exchange.rb install        create .exchange dir on server