My Klipper Creality CR6-SE Setup
System installation was actually fairly simple.
Install the Raspberry Pi Imager utility
- From in the imager I navigated to a lite distrobution as I was not needing a desktop OS. Ultimately I settled on Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64 bit)
- The next step is to install KIAUH and this specifically says to use the 32-bit version. I do not know why that is recomended as I have encountered no issues thus far. The 64-bit version is "new" and likely not considered fully baked. The 32-bit version likely would be just fine.
ssh me@frankenguin sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git git clone ./kiauh/
Install Klipper
Install Moonraker
Install Fluidd
Install KlipperScreen
Install Mobileraker
Don't install Crowsnest at this time
This is wehre I took a hybrid approach and copied from the Klipper Config Examples
cp ~/klipper/config/printer-creality-cr6se-2021.cfg ~/printer_data/config/printer.cfg
AND the CR6.cfg from KoenVanduffel's CR-6 Klipper repo (see links section)
I had to remember to add an include for this cfg file that I placed in the ~/printer_data/config/ folder.
This is where I later was struck from a problem with Fluidd. Ultimately the solution was to add to the top of my printer.cfg
[include CR6.cfg]
[include fluidd.cfg]
cd klipper
sudo service klipper stop
make menuconfig
- select microcontroller - "STM32"
- processor model "STM32F103" (is the default)
- Bootloader - "28KiB"
- Communication interface "Serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9)"
- Quit (Q) and save the make command
Copy the firmware to an SD card formatted as FAT32 w/ 4096 bit sector size. ALL machines require this to flash as far as I can tell from the several brands I have been exposed to.
cp ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin /SOME_MOUNTED_SD/firmware[yyyymmddhhss].bin
The CR6 will not install a firmware named the same as the last firmware. I augment the data code to it so it is always unique. This will help if you have to flash multiple times. I did not.
Insert the SD card and start the printer. Wait a while. I don't remember any indication.
Connect the USB to the printer and restart the printer.
Edit the printer.cfg [mcu] section and update serial: to reflect your connection to the mcu. For mine:
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0
REBOOT EVERYTHING. Why not... I suggest full power cycle with a minimum of 30 seconds off.
This was heavily informed by KoenVanduffel's CR-6 Klipper repo