
DQCP in cvxpylayers?

dtroxell19 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi all,

Does cvxpylayers support disciplined quasiconvex programming (such as the DQCP functionality in cvxpy)? i.e. can a layer consist of a quasiconvex program instead of a convex one? Thanks!

Hi — CVXPY Layers doesn't support DQCP out of the box.

If you want to differentiate through a quasiconvex program, you could try implementing the bisection solution method in PyTorch, using CVXPY Layers to do the inner solves, and differentiating through that. That's slide 4.55 in Might be worth a shot, but I'm not sure "how differentiable" the solution method will be.

This makes sense. Thank you for responding so quickly!