- 2
- 0
uncontrolled parameter domain
#160 opened by AxelBreuer - 0
Segmentation Fault for Minimization Problem
#159 opened by jusevitch - 2
- 1
- 1
Should the gradient be inversed?
#147 opened by rogerwwww - 1
- 0
Making parameterized EGM objectives DPP
#156 opened by BlockWaving - 0
Getting dx/dp instead of df/dp
#155 opened by Zhuojun-PhD - 2
DQCP in cvxpylayers?
#154 opened by dtroxell19 - 1
- 0
- 1
Different solutions for cvxpy and cvxpylayers
#149 opened by ManuelP96 - 1
Trying to convert Optimal ad problem to DPP
#124 opened by w601sxs - 9
- 1
Inaccurate gradient estimation for Gumbel-Sinkhorn
#120 opened by adamoyoung - 2
- 3
cvxpy and cvxpylayers solutions disagree for cvxpy==1.3.0 and cvxpylayers==0.1.4
#143 opened by Chris-Sorini - 5
Examples are not working: ValueError: Can't apply Jacobian with a quadratic objective.
#144 opened by imad-boudroua - 3
- 0
Question: Different results for Boxconstraints with torch.clamp vs cvxpy layers
#140 opened by philippkiesling - 1
A CVXPY layer handling a quadratic problem can only deal with positive definite Q-matrices
#136 opened by jackbaker1001 - 0
How can I insert an Input Convex Nerual Network as an objective function into the cvxpylayer?
#138 opened by lk1983823 - 2
Minimal LQR example problem: "Can't apply Jacobian with a quadratic objective"
#137 opened by sai-prasanna - 1
GPU support and acceleration
#117 opened by shadowwill - 0
How to increasing the number of solver iterations?
#134 opened by lk1983823 - 1
How to specify the solver in cvxpylayers
#130 opened by amansouri3476 - 1
Tensorflow float32 dtypes
#133 opened by hudson-ai - 1
train can not converge on simple problem
#127 opened by wangmn93 - 2
sparsemax function is not translation invariant?
#132 opened by kbkartik - 3
- 1
How can I set "ignore_dpp = True"?
#129 opened by minsoo2018 - 1
Solver silently fails when the number of parameters is large, but it's not due to OOM
#128 opened by dmitrijsk - 1
- 1
[Question] Can I use "batched" cvxpylayers?
#125 opened by JinraeKim - 6
Can one build a neural network whose parameters act a role of "Parameter"s in cvxpy?
#121 opened by JinraeKim - 0
- 2
Extending DPP ruleset is in the plan?
#122 opened by JinraeKim - 1
Inconsistent results when differentiating through a `torch.CvxpyLayer` repeatedly
#119 opened by PTNobel - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
Calling `jax.jacobian` results in error
#115 opened by GeoffNN - 0
Reports error in importing scs and _scs_direct
#114 opened by rajat-talak - 0
Can anyone help why the loss backward does not work?
#112 opened by jbgao - 1
Add new solver for Linear programming
#108 opened by zihangm - 2
- 1
Issue with Hermitian matrices
#111 opened by Wulfsta - 0
Layers for DQCP
#110 opened by pratham16cse - 6
differentiate a vector valued decision variable wrt a vector valued parameter
#107 opened by haowwang